Klone Chiron level

The delemma often is: one finds the gain structure one likes with drive+amp, but the overall volume might go too much out of whack when the drive activates. In response, one may change drive output level to compensate for too much overall volume difference, but that can unravel the overall gain structure one liked in the first place. Sync'd post amp level compensations for active drives solves that challenge.
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I wouldn't want drive model level tapers changed because afaik they match their real world counterparts, Changing that would reduce authenticity. If drive level output is hotter than preferred, it can simply be turned down to a desired level like on the real pedal (what it may do to amp level is another matter that requires post amp compensation (while maintaining the gain structure) if overall output volume levelling is desired). I have run into the opposite issue tho (wanted more than level 10 on a drive in a give scenario) - for this case, would be cool to have an "output trim" control in the drive block that could add additional output level if desired.
That’s actually not a bad idea per se to have a drive trim
I've had two real Klons and a KTR, and yea, they have plenty of output on tap. I got my Klons from Bill F back in the day- you'd call Klon and have a conversation with him, and he was really just kind of making sure that you knew how to use it- it seemed pretty clear in our conversation that it's meant to boost an amp that's already sweating and breaking up a little, so that you didn't just get a huge volume boost by engaging it. It "should" just slam the front of the amp a bit more, but that said, it's certainly not the only way to do it.
Back in the day, I found my real klon to be amazing in front of smaller amps, but a bit much in front of my old 6g6b bassman- that amp was very loud before it'd start to break up and compress. On the rare occasion that I could crank the Bassman, the Klon was remarkably good.
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