Kinda disappointing discovery


So in configuring my Midi Mate, I found out that in the preset bank of buttons, I cannot program button "0". That's a shame, because I really have exactly five presets that I need to switch between, and I only get to set four.

So I figured the way to remedy this was to eliminate my blues lead tone which is basically a Blackface patch with a heavily modified Rat in the chain. This is the very same Blackface patch I use for clean tones, so I figured I would consolidate the two, and use button "5" on the top bank of buttons to just switch the Rat on and off when needed, which would give me all of the sounds I need. Problem solved!? Well, not so fast.....When I switch to that Blackface patch, there is a split second where you can hear the Rat engaged, then it switches it off. It ends up being a kind of abrupt pop like tone for that split second, almost like there is latency in switching the effect off.

Is there any way around this? I am a newbie, and I thought I had if figured out, but this is frustrating!

Please help.

Why don't you program your patches starting at 5 and go to 9? You can bank up one number while in "controller" mode and this would give you access to your 5 patches without having to drop any.
This Midi Mate "feature" applies only to the very first (Midi Mate) bank. You can copy each of your five patches to "patch number plus 10" at the Axe-Fx and carry on with the second Midi Mate bank.
No; the Axe offset just determines whether the presets are numbered from 000 or 001 on screen. Button 0 does nothing in the first MM bank because button 1 sends the lowest possible program change value.
Friedlieb said:
This Midi Mate "feature" applies only to the very first (Midi Mate) bank. You can copy each of your five patches to "patch number plus 10" at the Axe-Fx and carry on with the second Midi Mate bank.

So then buttons "0-4" on the bottom would switch patch numbers 10-14? Would I still be able to program the top row for individual effects and such? I would presume those would would then be buttons "5-9" that would control effects from 15-19 because it's on a second bank?

Sorry for the idiotic questions, but I am a total newbie with this stuff.
In controller mode buttons 5-9 are always the CC buttons, 5 on/off switches that you can instruct the Axe to respond to in many ways, including engaging/bypassing effects. The presets you can access with buttons 0-4 scroll in banks of 5 (or 4 for the first and last): 1-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, etc. In bank mode you have 10 preset buttons and banks of 10 or 9: 1-9, 10-19, 20-29...
With your RAT tone, re-save the preset on the AxeFx with the RAT off. (That is, if the corresponding button on your midimate is off by default for the patch).

Or do this the other way around if you want it on by default (i.e. make sure is set on in the patch on both devices).

What's probably happening now is that when you change patch, the RAT kicks in as it's on within the AxeFx patch. Then the AxeFx receives the proper CC state from the Midimate a split second later and it turns off the RAT.

That's the world of midi unfortunately. Fractal will soon go one step better with the MFC but it's default Midi behaviour for everyone in the meantime.

stratcat said:
With your RAT tone, re-save the preset on the AxeFx with the RAT off. (That is, if the corresponding button on your midimate is off by default for the patch).

Or do this the other way around if you want it on by default (i.e. make sure is set on in the patch on both devices).

What's probably happening now is that when you change patch, the RAT kicks in as it's on within the AxeFx patch. Then the AxeFx receives the proper CC state from the Midimate a split second later and it turns off the RAT.

That's the world of midi unfortunately. Fractal will soon go one step better with the MFC but it's default Midi behaviour for everyone in the meantime.


This worked! Thanks so much! I I just did what told me. I went to my patch with RAT in the chain, and turned it off along with the other effects I have set up for various buttons (delay, etc.), and stored it over my Blackface patch (which is the same exact patch without the RAT and other effects). Now I do not get the noise anymore when I switch to that channel, and I can switch the RAT and my other effects in the chain on and off.

I realize these are annoying newb questions, and I really appreciate the help.
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