Can't believe we're getting the ability to change tube types! That should be neat to play around with.

Funny enough, it's probably not even going to make a fraction of the difference that the other new parameters will make, but it's probably the thing that people who don't own an Axe-Fx or haven't played one will freak out the most about.
Has nothing to do with beta. :) Anyone can change their avatar to something 10-ish.

I understand that. What I was trying to relay is that if I was in fractals shoes I would tease the masses with little pokes like changing avatars and whatnot. My comment was not a criticism in the least. Btw mr yek. Thanks for being accessible and for your contributions to the axe. Much appreciated.
So much this, I've wanted this since my Ultra days.

Good gravy I'd forgotten the tube thing, now mega want.

I know! Me too! This is gonna be incredibly cool. I feel like the day I met my wife. Lol. Don't tell her that. That would get me in trouble. I beg of you.
Ah damn, I was just talking to your wife and I might have mentioned that :p

Ok maybe it wasn't your wife it was just a random woman, but how many women are there in the world? It could have been your wife, who knows?!?!?
Ah damn, I was just talking to your wife and I might have mentioned that :p

Ok maybe it wasn't your wife it was just a random woman, but how many women are there in the world? It could have been your wife, who knows?!?!?

Strangely enough my browser is open on my MacBook at home and a certain website is opened up. Ill just try to remember to duck when I get home. Haha!
I guarantee one thing tho, if my wife leaves me over this fw 10 thing she will never date an axe fx user. Since she is partial to guitar players he will have to be a lifelong anti modeling tube snob.
This is getting out of control. The anticipation is making us all crazy.

I've always been crazy. This has just brought it to the surface. Although if it doesn't drop soon I may have to be committed to a 90 day treatment program. I'm drinking more, beating my kids more, moody, night sweats, hallucinations, road rage and I have this weird desire to touch shiny objects and I count stairs whether I'm ascending or descending. I'm a wreck.
When I bought my Axe FX II I was perfectly aware of the fact that it would almost certainly take me that tiny little step above the hill into full madness and one step closer to
a straitjacket and padded walls. Seems v10 + AE will do the job very soon .. lol


well it was fun to be sane but it's gonna be a blast to be insane I think
I guarantee one thing tho, if my wife leaves me over this fw 10 thing she will never date an axe fx user. Since she is partial to guitar players he will have to be a lifelong anti modeling tube snob.

I don't think she would either like the massive amount of money a tube snob spends on NOS tubes! But at least he doesn't have to wait until they make the tubes!
that would be the: "... and more..." ;-)

Yes. Thank you for clarifying. I thought it important for his name to mentioned vs just being lumped in with other substandard players whose contributions, while important, pale in comparison for unequivocoly the best guitar player on the planet.....Dave Navarro.
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