John Cordy presets


I saw a video where he was demonstrating the new verbs. His presets are pretty cheap but I asked if he had the new reverbs incorporated into the presets and got no answer. I just want a place to start. Anyone know if he's updated them?
I don't think he retroactively updates his presets, but he should put the one in his demo video in his preset bucket that you get access to when you purchase them (you get all past and future presets).

selecting the new type is a great starting point :D
i don't have a great, slightly overdrive fender amp in any of the presets i've worked on so I'd like to start there too.

I basically have 3 presets. A super clean fender princeton I use for jazz, a semi distorted overdriven dumble and a holdsworth setup with rectoverb. I've played around with a vibrolux reverb in place of the clean princeton with various gain levels but never got it to where I liked it.
Best thing you can do is learn how to get the sounds you want from the unit, I'm speaking from experience btw

Give us some more detailed specifics what you're after to see if we can help
Best thing you can do is learn how to get the sounds you want from the unit, I'm speaking from experience btw

Give us some more detailed specifics what you're after to see if we can help
thanks, i'm a long-time fractal user. I was an endorser for axefx 1, 2 and have had an ax8, fm3 and now fm9. I'm not a stranger to using the unit. I just like starting with something that's already been vetted if possible.
I saw a video where he was demonstrating the new verbs. His presets are pretty cheap but I asked if he had the new reverbs incorporated into the presets and got no answer. I just want a place to start. Anyone know if he's updated them?
He used to do "buy me a coffee" and grant access to all that he'd uploaded before. Might be on his Patreon page now. [edit: See @guitarplayer1969's post that follows.]

These might interest you, Hallebeek presets from @fremen...
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I don't think he retroactively updates his presets, but he should put the one in his demo video in his preset bucket that you get access to when you purchase them (you get all past and future presets).
I own his set for the Helix (I just bought an FM9 so don't shoot me). He doesnt update old presets but he constantly adds new ones from his YT videos as he goes, and puts them in folders based on the firmware version. Honestly, on the Helix side his folders are a big mess and hard to find stuff as he also has random folders for little projects and stuff. If you are looking for Verbs, have you downloaded Leon Todd's free block library. I have found some great reverbs in there - I am kind of into the big Ambient thing so he has some of those.
John Cordy is a real inspiration to me with his legato and improv playing. His YouTube channel should be as big as Rick Beato's. @guitarplayer1969 is right - you don't need his Patreon to get his presets, you purchase them from a Gumroad link (find it on his YT Channel).

As a long-time Line 6 Helix user, I found John's presets for that platform invaluable in helping me get the sounds I wanted. Since I picked up the FM9 last year as well as John people like Leon Todd, @Cooper Carter and the amazing presets we get from Fractal (plus the Gift of Tone packs from famous Fractal users) I haven't bought any presets and don't intend to. Google Cooper's Live Preset on YouTube - he walks you through how to get a good edge of breakup tone (using an AC20), which sounds just amazing.
John Cordy is a real inspiration to me with his legato and improv playing. His YouTube channel should be as big as Rick Beato's. @guitarplayer1969 is right - you don't need his Patreon to get his presets, you purchase them from a Gumroad link (find it on his YT Channel).

As a long-time Line 6 Helix user, I found John's presets for that platform invaluable in helping me get the sounds I wanted. Since I picked up the FM9 last year as well as John people like Leon Todd, @Cooper Carter and the amazing presets we get from Fractal (plus the Gift of Tone packs from famous Fractal users) I haven't bought any presets and don't intend to. Google Cooper's Live Preset on YouTube - he walks you through how to get a good edge of breakup tone (using an AC20), which sounds just amazing.
thanks for the tip
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