Jet City 700DP Full Range Speaker for Guitar Modeling Setups(What do you guys think?)

Man, I've really been waiting for something like this. Can't wait for more details.

There seems to be a lack of FRFR speakers aimed at guitarists using modeling gear in a form we would be used to. Hopefully this fits the bill, works great and inspires some competition.

I wonder if there is a chance at a passive version as well. Anyone?
Yours is passive though, right?
No, Class D stereo 250w/ch, built with kit from Class-D Audio. The upper jack plate I modded for XLR, PowerCon, volume controls and fuse. The lower one is a vent over the amp & PS modules. The company is excellent and make great products, made in USA. Reviews like this encouraged me to try it:

I just upgraded from the standard model ClassD amp and what a pleasant surprise. The SuperD has the same liquid tube like sound as before but taken up a level. It has better imageing and control, the bass is tighter and more detailed. No matter how loud i turn it up i never encounter any breakup, the distortion levels must be off the charts, it just remains crystal clear

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I think this is a great idea. For large gigs outdoors or on a huge stage, I'd like to have the 4x12 behind me. I've got an Atomic Mono Block that I run to a Marshall 1960AV which limits me to only the V30 sound and a mic'd cab on stage. With this, I can give the sound guy my direct feed from output 1 and send output 2 to the enclosure. Wouldn't need the Atomic anymore. I can leave the sims on and really wouldn't have to tweak much if anything. I would agree that it is no different than monitoring to a PA wedge in front of me, but I only personally have a QSC K10 which is not enough on huge stages. It will all depend on price point though. I rarely use my Atomic/4x12 combo now.

I totally can see where you are coming from. I have held back on getting wedges and stuff. I want to make sure that I can get something that would allow me to project the sound with immense power plus also leave me more time in playing rather than tweaking new settings. I think this is damn good,although yes the price would be something to consider. Haven't seen this for sale yet on the website but seeing from their amps and cabs,they look pretty reasonably priced. I think this would be a pretty good deal too. Let's see time will tell,it certainly looks very promising.

I talked to a guy at Jet City and he says they expect the MSRP to be $899 USD or less. I would say expect these to retail between $650-$750 (my guess).

....he also assured me that it isn't voiced specifically for guitar but more of a personal PA. So... for those of you who play bass as well, like me, then you'd have one rig for them both.

For what it is worth, this isn't a 4x12. It his a pair of veritcally arranged drivers: lo-freq and hi-freq. ...and you just have a pair of those. So, still four drivers with a max total of 700w hammering through them.
I talked to a guy at Jet City and he says they expect the MSRP to be $899 USD or less. I would say expect these to retail between $650-$750 (my guess).

Hey Barry

By any chance, did he say if they would also be making a passive model? Unlike my original post I’m starting to develop some interest in this.

If it sounds good this will blow the market apart, as now people are paying $1,000+ per monitor, $2,000+ to be in stereo.

I talked to a guy at Jet City and he says they expect the MSRP to be $899 USD or less. I would say expect these to retail between $650-$750 (my guess).

....he also assured me that it isn't voiced specifically for guitar but more of a personal PA. So... for those of you who play bass as well, like me, then you'd have one rig for them both.

For what it is worth, this isn't a 4x12. It his a pair of veritcally arranged drivers: lo-freq and hi-freq. ...and you just have a pair of those. So, still four drivers with a max total of 700w hammering through them.
If it sounds good this will blow the market apart, as now people are paying $1,000+ per monitor, $2,000+ to be in stereo.
I know right?!

You know, I have been looking for just such a thing for so long. I thought I was the only one since I just wasn't finding anything like this. Good on Jet City for having vision.

I can totally see picking up a used Axe-FX Ultra and running into this item.
This is cool, but the details are still in the dark. I would like to see a response graph as too how accurate it really is.
This is cool, but the details are still in the dark. I would like to see a response graph as too how accurate it really is.
I guess for my intentions for it, I am not too concerned with the more fine details. Since my intention would be live monitoring while I also run direct to house... and every PA at every venue is different anyways... if it is reasonable, then I am good. No need in my case for it to be as clean as a mixing monitor. That'd be nice... but I am not too worried. It won't translate like that live anyways.
I talked to a guy at Jet City and he says they expect the MSRP to be $899 USD or less. I would say expect these to retail between $650-$750 (my guess).

....he also assured me that it isn't voiced specifically for guitar but more of a personal PA. So... for those of you who play bass as well, like me, then you'd have one rig for them both.

For what it is worth, this isn't a 4x12. It his a pair of veritcally arranged drivers: lo-freq and hi-freq. ...and you just have a pair of those. So, still four drivers with a max total of 700w hammering through them.

Thanks for the info Barry. Wow 650-750 bucks is a damn good deal for these. I mean most of the live monitors are above 1000 dollars and are around 2000 dollars,sometimes even more. These are quiet powerful and if these have the killer price that you say,they would certainly be making a great wave in the market. My intention is that,if I get these they would be for live use/jams and stuff. When you have an Axe Fx Ultra or II there is no need to worry about recording directly and getting an epic sound anyway. Thanks for the info. Much appreciated!

I guess for my intentions for it, I am not too concerned with the more fine details. Since my intention would be live monitoring while I also run direct to house... and every PA at every venue is different anyways... if it is reasonable, then I am good. No need in my case for it to be as clean as a mixing monitor. That'd be nice... but I am not too worried. It won't translate like that live anyways.

I hear you and that's cool I would just like to see that response that's all. I mean if it had some quarks one could do like Merlin did with the Verve 12mA and build a corrective EQ. For the money spent I will agree it sounds like a really good and relatively inexpensive solution for a back line 412'ish looking cab. The other things I would like to know about are weight and type of parts used. Durability would be another granted that could only be determined by actually using it.
I hear you and that's cool I would just like to see that response that's all. I mean if it had some quarks one could do like Merlin did with the Verve 12mA and build a corrective EQ. For the money spent I will agree it sounds like a really good and relatively inexpensive solution for a back line 412'ish looking cab. The other things I would like to know about are weight and type of parts used. Durability would be another granted that could only be determined by actually using it.
Agreed. I actually have the weight question in along with the passive option. So, we will see what they say.

Given Jet City's track record thus far, I am hoping this piece follows the previous trends: Solid as tanks.
It would be neat if this had both a XLR in for the power amps and a Speakon/1/4" in for bypassing the amps. Is that even possible?
I hear you and that's cool I would just like to see that response that's all. I mean if it had some quarks one could do like Merlin did with the Verve 12mA and build a corrective EQ. For the money spent I will agree it sounds like a really good and relatively inexpensive solution for a back line 412'ish looking cab. The other things I would like to know about are weight and type of parts used. Durability would be another granted that could only be determined by actually using it.

I'll wager it has the Bang & Olufsen module powering it. Not a bad power module but the same that you'd find in most solid state combos/amps. (Make of that what you will!) I'd also like to see some figures on horn dispersion and some phase charts. It looks good and is definitely on the radar but I agree more info is needed. If the graphs look good I may just get it anyway and rip the power section out and power with the Matrix.
Looking at their other cabs, it seems they use Eminence drivers a lot. Not that it means they would use them for this cab, but it is a good sign.

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