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It'd Be So Great If We Could Name Scenes


Header says it all.

It really would be a most welcome feature update. Is it not logistically possible?
I'm not gripin'...It'd just be all kinds of great if it was doable.

Thank for reading/listening.
It would also be great if we could name Global blocks. At least just in Axe Edit. But, my pen and paper does the job. I'm also not griping, it would also be all kinds of great if it was doable.
It would also be great if the FX8 supported Global Blocks, while we're on the topic of great things. No one griping here. :)

Where were we? Oh right, scene names. +1.
While we're asking.... a larger main display and scribble strips for each foot switch too.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
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