It Would be possible to DOWNGRADE from 6.0 to 5.07?


Greetings from Spain. Sorry for my bad english.
I know the topic is a bit (much) rare heheheh. But I have just upgrade to 6.0 and many of my patches have changed a lot, specially uber tones, and I have an important show next week and no time to tweak tones!!!
Anyway I'm just a guitarrist, not a technician or sound engineer. Finally I was happy with my tones and many of them have changed, and since I don't mind to play a lot with tonematch, I'd prefer by now continue using 5.07.
So is tehre anyway to download and install (downgrade) the 5.07 version again? Is this possible?
Thanks a lot.
PD: I have AXE FX II btw.
Yes...go to Fractal website and download there. Give 6.0 a chance....I think its worth the fuss. I always say I wont update....but I always do....and it's ALWAYS WORTH IT!
Yes, you can go back to any prior firmware version. Make sure that when you restore your presets, that you restore a backup for that specific firmware version of the presets. Newer presets are probably not backward compatible.
If you have not saved your 5.07 presets as v6, then you should be OK.
You can revert to any old version. Hopefully you saved 5.07 on your computer.
Thanks to all for the replies, specially Tamer for the link :D
As Tremonti has said, I'll try to give 6.0 a chance, but I have just 2 days to tweak my tones again, due to inminent shows. If in 2 days I could not have my patches ready I'll have to downgrade. Anyway is just a temporal issue. If I have to downgrade now, I'll update in the future.
Thanks again to everybody!
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