Is this normal? FASUSB Audio Spy Tool


I noticed something called FASUSB Audio Spy Tool in my Axe Fx II Driver folder.... could be nothing but I never noticed it before and I want to remove it if its some kind of spyware pretending to be part of the Axe Fx driver package. I deleted the driver and reinstalled and it came back, which I took as a good sign that it's harmless but I just want to be sure. Thanks!

I tried to insert a screenshot but I keep getting "invalid file" when I try to attach it to the post.
it must be terrible to have to live with that fear and uncertainty all the time. thank God for Linus Torvalds!
If whistling past the graveyard makes you feel better, have at it.
I've never heard of this saying before but I'm gonna steal it from you, thanks! :)

Maybe you guys could be of some help... just let me know if you see a "FASUSB Spy Tool" in your Program files under the Fractal folder.
C: -Program Files - Fractal Audio - Axe Fx II Driver
I see the file I mentioned and a "tusbaudioapi.dll"... anyone else seeing this? "TUSB Audio Spy Tool" is the title of the window that comes up if I click the "FASUSB Spy Tool" icon in my start menu.
Smart asses all-Anyway, Yes I have the same thing in the fractal folder. I am not worried about it though. The only part I don't like is the website in the dial,og box is Denmark
ok, cool. Just seemed suspicious to me, maybe FAS can explain what this file does. Yeah the website in mine says "" I click on it and it's just something about USB solutions.
Guys... quit fussing... Yes, it's NORMAL !!
I'm pretty sure the FAS USB drivers use licensed 3rd party components - hence the Danish URL (did you look at it?). The company provides embedded USB device drivers, and licensing probably requires referencing source even if branded by FAS. Pretty simple really.

I KNOW they do something similar with AxeEdit - it ensures cross-platform (Mac/Win) compatibility from a single code base.
If it was spyware why would they put spy in the name? so it's easy to find? Even Fox Mulder would let this go lol
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