Is there a way to properly simulate a guitars volume knob?

I recently purchased the AX8. I grew up in the style of EVH and like to use my volume pot on the guitar as a distortion roll off, in that the volume stays the same but rolling it back creates less distortion/more clean sound with just a bit of chunk.
Any way to properly simulate such a sound in the ax8, not just rolling back the distortion on a pre set?
I don't know the technical reason why but there is absolutely magic in doing it through a volume pot, though I'd love to get more control over it in a volume pedal setup.
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Since we are talking about the AX8 and not some cheap modeller from 10 years ago, I'd like to add that rolling back the guitar volume can lead to a different resonance frequency and peak of the pickup-cable-firstTube-circuit.
And don't forget that different amp models exhibit the volume rollback clean-up to different extents, and depending on how some of the parameters are set (such as your bright cap value) your tone will also change differingly when doing this.
You could do a volume block before the amp block and attach it to your volume pedal.

Also, if you want to get fancy and simulate the typical poorly implemented master volume control in guitars that tend to cut some highs or definition from your tone, you could add a filter block next to the volume block and set it to a gradual high cut as you rock your volume pedal back.
Honest question, great answers, wrong forum.

As stated before, use a volume block before the amp block and map it to an expression pedal. Since I use active pickups, I just roll my guitars volume knob for the same effect (no high frequency rolloff when reducing volume).
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If you want to save a block, also can set a controller on the input trim of the Amp block if you don't have a compressor or drive before the amp block.
Is there any reason that your guitar volume/pot isn't reacting in a normal fashion for you? I find that some amp sims respond better than others to guitar volume settings going from full break up to edge of break up to fairly clean.
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