Is it time to rethink the Tuner Input Settings?


Hello! For a Theater Production i have 4 Guitars hooked to Inputs 1-4. Only one guitar has a Volume knob, the others are Acoustics with simple Piezo PUs or Contact Mics. I have to set the Tuner to listen to All Inputs to be able to tune, but when theres music playing while i tune, the other guitars Pick up Vibrations and irritate the Tuner so it’s impossible to tune that Guitar.
Any ideas what i could do?
Mine was to stop using the Axe Tuner and use a Clip on Tuner.
Or is it time for a new Tuner setting called „listen only to input(s) used in preset“?
Would be kind of cool to have an option to pick what inputs while the tuner is up. I have a friend who bought my MK1 and they run 2 guitars and bass, and have to do the clip on thing. Would be kind of neat on one of the knobs, select what input to listen to or have a range like you said. Could be useful.
since everyone is plugging in, the solution is a cheap volume pedal or pot+led in an enclosure for the other 3 inputs to mute the signal.
Any ideas what i could do?
IIRC, the Tuner gets its feed from the Input before the guitar's sound reaches the grid which means no blocks can affect the Tuner's input… currently.

Maybe Fractal could:
  • Expose the Tuner's input settings so they can be added to the Per-Preset and/or Global Performance Pages, which would make it easy to tell the Tuner to listen to different inputs from the front-panel.
  • Create a "Tuner" block that sits in the grid apart from the signal flow, similar to the MIDI block, where we can tell it what input to listen to depending on the block's channel.
In the past I wired up a small project box with a footswitch that let me toggle between two different guitar inputs, AKA a simple "Y" switcher. Now I have one of Lehle's much more capable ABC switchers. They have "3AT1" (3 guitars -> 1 amp/modeler) and "1AT3" (1 guitar -> 3 amps/modelers) for different situations. And the nice thing is they can be wired together and can work in sync with each other via MIDI.

And, thinking about it more, via MIDI, when you tell the Fractal to switch presets/scenes the Lehle could be told to change its guitar input, which would then change the guitar that the Tuner would see.

The downside is it's only three inputs, not four.
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IIRC, the Tuner gets its feed from the Input before the guitar's sound reaches the grid which means no blocks can affect the Tuner's input… currently.

Maybe Fractal could:
  • Expose the Tuner's input settings so they can be added to the Per-Preset and/or Global Performance Pages, which would make it easy to tell the Tuner to listen to different inputs from the front-panel.
  • Create a "Tuner" block that sits in the grid apart from the signal flow, similar to the MIDI block, where we can tell it what input to listen to depending on the block's channel.
In the past I wired up a small project box with a footswitch that let me toggle between two different guitar inputs, AKA a simple "Y" switcher. Now I have one of Lehle's much more capable ABC switchers. They have "3AT1" (3 guitars -> 1 amp/modeler) and "1AT3" (1 guitar -> 3 amps/modelers) for different situations. And the nice thing is they can be wired together and can work in sync with each other via MIDI.

And, thinking about it more, via MIDI, when you tell the Fractal to switch presets/scenes the Lehle could be told to change its guitar input, which would then change the guitar that the Tuner would see.

The downside is it's only three inputs, not four.
Great stuff, thank you! I have those Lehles in another Rack where I‘ve even used multiple for more Inputs and remote controlled them via Midi (some of them even work with symmetrical signals so i‘ve used them also for switching mics :)).
Still i hope for an „in house“ solution in the near future since Axe let‘s me leave all the external stuff at home.
Still i hope for an „in house“ solution in the near future since Axe let‘s me leave all the external stuff at home.
That might need to be something for the next generation hardware, but it’s hard to say because Cliff pulls out some really interesting changes.

At a minimum, you could tell the tuner to listen to all inputs and connect the acoustic guitars through the Lehle. Keep the electric on one input and the Lehle on Input 2, and then use the electric’s volume control plus scenes on the Fractal and MIDI to trigger the Lehle. You should have enough control to get it working.

IIRC, @GlennO had a really interesting proposal a while back for a much more sophisticated and flexible input and output routing system, but it was a major change. Perhaps he can provide a link to it, because I think it was a great idea, though, again, it’s probably going to need to wait.
Just going to add in that I have the same issue playing theater shows and at church. I run electrics on Input 1, acoustics on Input 2, and mandolin on Input 3. My current solution is using the Axe tuner for the electrics, but having clip on tuners on for the acoustics and mandolin. It’d be cool to have an internal solution on the Axe, like a “Per Preset” option for tuning, or making the tuner input selectable by control switch. I was playing around with the Axe and it can be moved to be selectable on a Performance Controls, but it’d be cool to have an FC option for when the Axe isn’t easily accessible
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