IR tweaking suggestions


Power User
I have had my Axe II for a couple of weeks, and unfortunately don't have time to tweak it like I would like to. My live set up is Guitar->Shure ULX Wireless ->Pedal board (D/igitech Whammy, Boss TU 2, ISP Decimator, Morley Bad Horsie II, Ground Control Pro) ->Axe II ->Peavey 5150 (FX Loop return for power only).

Live it am getting awesome tones, so much more alive than the Boss GT Pro, Line 6 Vetta, Line 6 Pod Pro or Randall RM4 ever sounded! The responsiveness, breath, dynamics, tube-y bite...its all there.

Where I am missing is when I run direct, the tones are more "smoothed out", compressed and slightly dull sounding which makes me think its in how I have the IR's set. What are some quick tips to getting a good crunchy tone out of the IRs if I don't want to mess with settings on the amp?
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