IR pack recomendations?


New Member
New guy here. Ordered the Axe FX yesterday. While I am waiting impatiently I thought I would pick the experts brains. I'm curious which, if any, Cab packs you would recommend I purchase or downoad. I play a mix of 80's metal to Modern Metal. This will be my first modeler and all my research says "the IR makes all the difference" So if you guys would kindly help a newb it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks- Roger
New guy here. Ordered the Axe FX yesterday. While I am waiting impatiently I thought I would pick the experts brains. I'm curious which, if any, Cab packs you would recommend I purchase or downoad. I play a mix of 80's metal to Modern Metal. This will be my first modeler and all my research says "the IR makes all the difference" So if you guys would kindly help a newb it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks- Roger
There are more than 2000 IRs in the axe fx, start from there before purchasing anything
There are a lot of great IRs already loaded in the Axe III. That said, I did purchase the new Redwirez Vintage Big Box and am really liking them. I've found them more 'open' sounding than a lot of the others I've tried.
The factory presets will get you started in the right direction. The factory IRs are really good. The TV mix's are tried and tru as well as the Citrus v30 IRs, depending on your taste for either v30 or greenbacks. If you're a fan of 80's metal and modern metal, you'll likely want to check out the Plexi's, the JCM800, the Mesa Boogies, the Friedmans and the 5153.
Definitely start with the factory cabs at first. Tons of great stuff in there. Copy the settings from presets if you need to, or try the Legacy cabs first which are premixed.
For the 80s stuff check out Valhalla IRs they absolutely nail it for me.

Classic rock is York Audio and or Ownhammer - I tend towards York because I like the IR naming but the new Ownhammer are great too.

For more modern stuff ML
Excellent info! Thanks everyone for the replies. Just got a notice it should be here Thursday. Gonna be the longest week of my life.
Excellent info! Thanks everyone for the replies. Just got a notice it should be here Thursday. Gonna be the longest week of my life.
Congratulations, You are going to love it and the support is second to none. Ad to that the AXE FX forums and you have a winning combination for many years of enjoyment. My only advice to you is, if you are coming from the real amp world, don't get frustrated if you can find your tone or settings in the beginning. You can reach out to the many users here who went through the same thing and there are a lot of videos you can watch.
You may want to keep your eyes scanning the IR section for an announcement from me coming this evening (New York time for those around the world).

Something wonderful is coming, to quote David Bowman from the movie 2010.
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