Iphone add for modelling and backing teacks


Hi Guys,
Just about to head overseas for a few weeks. I have a travel guitar, and am keen to find a way to use my iphone to practice.
Is anyone aware of an app that allows you to get a reasonable guitar sound, and also has backing tracks to play along with.
Also, what would you use for a guitar input interface in the iphone.
Check out the Jam Up Pro app. You can get the adapter from Amazon for $20. It's no AxeFx but with the expansion packs it sounds pretty good. You can slow down tunes, play with backing tracks, loop your own playing, and even use it as an 8 tracks. Great stuff.
Check out the Jam Up Pro app. You can get the adapter from Amazon for $20. It's no AxeFx but with the expansion packs it sounds pretty good. You can slow down tunes, play with backing tracks, loop your own playing, and even use it as an 8 tracks. Great stuff.
+1 on this, great app. I use it with the irig adaptor which is dirt cheap.
+1 fr JamUP. I also like Amplitube.

If you can, spring for the Apogee JAM adapter as it is better than the iRig.
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