Introducing the Axe-Fx II

Off the top of my head, a few things I'm REALLY hoping for on the Axe II: (with matching cab where applicable) Lab Series L5, Carvin Legacy, Greg Howe's modded red knob Fender Dual Showman, Laney GH100L, Rockman stuff, MILLS Acoustics 4x12, matching cab for the Roland JC-120, Fender Twin Reverb cabs with Jensens and JBL's, and full-featured Echoplex EP-3 and Leslie/rotary sims :)

Also, I thought it'd be really cool to have two separate stereo effects loops - one for stomboxes and one for rack gear. This would allow for more routing options and allow you to use pedals while still plugging directly from guitar to the front of the Axe to get more ideal impedance loading. Looks like the Axe II has only one loop though.

Really excited! Glad I held off 'til the II was introduced. Hope I don't have to wait too long to get this thing!
Really excited! Glad I held off 'til the II was introduced. Hope I don't have to wait too long to get this thing!
Oh man this is what I've done too!

Well, I could not resist anymore and ordered an Ultra at g66 back in February. I Could not put my hands on it because of the empty stocks!
I'm going to cancel the ultra and wait for the II.
So Cliff, nobody will be disappointed, you said ...
Fuck you. You fooled all users who recently bought their Ultra.
You can stick you Axe FX II somewhere ...
My only consolidation: delivery will take at least 2 years again (welcome on the wait list)

Oh man this is what I've done too!

Well, I could not resist anymore and ordered an Ultra at g66 back in February. I Could not put my hands on it because of the empty stocks!
I'm going to cancel the ultra and wait for the II.

After waaay too much debating, it was just by dumb luck that this countdown started when I was finally prepared to make the plunge on an Axe-Fx. Cliff, please tell me you brought enough to share with the whole class! Don't keep me waiting, duder!
Will it be available in 2011 ? ^^
I'd like to sell my ultra for this new baby but if the Axe2 is only available in months... i keep the ultra !
Is the Ultra still going to be updated ?
I`m a standard user since two years, so ... no regrets here, but i think fractals policy with the introduction of the Axe-II left a first undercut in the customer relationship ....

I have to agree on this, a LOT of people will be pissed off when they hear about this that bought recently. It could damage relations with customers.

If was was handled a bit differently, it may have not been so bad, but as it was with all the secrecy, people may be more distrustful.
Congratulation Fractal Audio to the new release!

Anyway, I'm still blown away by the first Axe, no needs for a new one here! I stick with my old rusty & trusty axe standard. There will be always something better on the market, that's right. And if I ever wanted more accurate tube tones, I plug my old MesaBoogie StudioPreamp direct into the Axe ;)

To all "late buyers": The old axe is still a f*ckin' damn fine machine! Yeah....old skool! If you can't do it with an old machine, I can't do it with the new one either.... "Keep on rocking, stop the mocking"

Pfff there's not the promised Angry Birds detailed in the specs... not interesting...

Lol. Nice.

Congrats Cliff and all at Fractal on taking an already awesome box to the next level. Since there already a thread in this very forum about people asking regarding upgrade/trade-in if they bought recently, I'll keep that stuff out of this thread and just say congrats again and cheers, here's to hoping your business booms for years to come.
I think I am just more upset at the fact that this announcement has nothing to do with the Axe 1. I was hoping it was something I could use personally. Like an Axe Edit upgrade or new firmware. I mean it's cool that they came out with a new Axe, but I think the way they announced it was kind of....well, disheartening. I for one can not afford one so this really doesn't benefit me at all. I don't know, maybe I am alone in this, but I felt like the countdown was geared toward Axe owners, not new comers. They made it seem like it was something for the first Axe.
I think I am just more upset at the fact that this announcement has nothing to do with the Axe 1. I was hoping it was something I could use personally. Like an Axe Edit upgrade or new firmware. I mean it's cool that they came out with a new Axe, but I think the way they announced it was kind of....well, disheartening. I for one can not afford one so this really doesn't benefit me at all. I don't know, maybe I am alone in this, but I felt like the countdown was geared toward Axe owners, not new comers. They made it seem like it was something for the first Axe.

Axe-Fx Standard Firmware Version 11.00
I have to agree on this, a LOT of people will be pissed off when they hear about this that bought recently. It could damage relations with customers.

I agree because people were buying b stock ultras and got stuck with it and a new extreme product came out. But I think people are just used to being babied by fractal. They need to get a grip because I bought my standard three weeks ago. sure I feel like I wish I could've waited to have more cash for axe 2, but I'm happy with my standard. I really don't care that my product has devalued because it just means I can now afford another one or just buy axe 2 and keep my now axe lite as a playing rig or something. Also, companies have every right to withhold product release information. It's their product. Just because Apple shows that their product is gonna come out three months from now doesn't mean Fractal has to. That is an exception and not the rule. If people REALLY were happy with their standard or ultra they wouldn't be pissing and moaning over axe 2. Sure a few people push their ultra to the limit and just bought it a month ago, but in honesty they fell through a very narrow crack of bad timing in my opinion. I'm not saying this lightly either. I bought the standard with my savings and tax return. I'm 20, work full time, pay for my own education and two bills (phone for two and internet), live at home, and have had some health issues so I don't exactly make the Benjamins flow. this is the biggest monetary plunge I've taken in my short life so far. I don't regret it. My options now are: I either save up and sell all sorts of stuff to get axe 2, wait for next year's tax returns, or not buy it. It's called dealing with what I've been dealt with. Geez people get a grip. Fractal made a lot of dreams come true with axe 2 but they don't make everyone's dreams happen. It's illogical and a loss to the company just listening to few users and giving them what they want as opposed to the many users. I'll stick with my vintage axe lite for the meantime :razz
I think I am just more upset at the fact that this announcement has nothing to do with the Axe 1. I was hoping it was something I could use personally. Like an Axe Edit upgrade or new firmware. I mean it's cool that they came out with a new Axe, but I think the way they announced it was kind of....well, disheartening. I for one can not afford one so this really doesn't benefit me at all. I don't know, maybe I am alone in this, but I felt like the countdown was geared toward Axe owners, not new comers. They made it seem like it was something for the first Axe.

I agree with you there mate.
The whole countdown and insider trading side of this is not cool in my book. If this were announced months ago and not kept secret then those that could handle being without an axefx for a while could have sold their units at a better price than they will get now. Obviously as release time got closer the price of the older version would go down, just like we get with most of our technological purchases.
Pretty pumped about the Axe-Fx II existing, but I'm really hoping this doesn't trigger Fractal to lower their prices for the Axe-Fx Standard and Ultra models. I have had a Standard for over a year, so I don't feel particularly hurt by this announcement, but I can't say I'd happy if they helped trim even more off of my Standard's resale value. I'm honestly wondering what that is going to be sitting at when all is said and done.
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