Interesting post by Cliff on TGF

Because The Gear Forum is where all the cool people hang out.

Or it’s simply another free venue for CC, and while goofy in direction is not as mean spirited as the other place.

But CC doesn’t miss a chance to bring goodies to the crew wherever they may be. Smart man 👍
How many dynacabs does the III have space for?
Less than the practically infinite space everyone cries for with every feature.

If'n users had their way, it would support no less than 2^16 each of: blocks (in a grid), presets, user cabs, set lists, modifiers, and any and all new functionality should be indefinitely expandable.

[2^16 = 2^(2^(2^2)) = 65536 as all good/cool engineering platforms should be based on powers of 2!]

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I'm really surprised we have more firmware DynaCabs coming. I would've thought there was no more room, but this is a very pleasant surprise indeed!
Agree. I thought we were full and that's the motivation for requiring CabLab for newly released DynaCabs outside of the Firmware. Very happy about this as well! Just curious if more is technically feasible or if this is “it.” Not complaining or requesting anything, but seeing which cabs Fractal prioritizes is (somewhat) indicative of their overall priorities for the platform.
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