Infinite Reverb...foot controllable


for no other reason than i could and i was bored

capture audio into the reverb using controller 1 - rock pedal forward and then back. you can play normally with the pedal in the toe up position

made it with axe edit (yes, i know) so don't blame me if it doesn't work :)


  • Infinite Reverb EXT1.syx
    6.3 KB · Views: 659
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for some reason i had ext1 tied to the multidelay level and it shouldn't have been. just updated the patch and re-attached
Just realised this is similar to my old Freeze preset for the ultra. This has a nicer sound though.

If it doesn't work for some reason, let me know and I'll try to fix it.
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i just tried to build some similar effect on my own,
and had an occouring problem:
in the Plexi delay from the multidelay i can set the Feedback lvl of the 4 delays only to 100% altogether.
does that mean, that i cannot build infinite delay with it?
i just tried to build some similar effect on my own,
and had an occouring problem:
in the Plexi delay from the multidelay i can set the Feedback lvl of the 4 delays only to 100% altogether.
does that mean, that i cannot build infinite delay with it?

check out the manual to understand the feedback networks of the different multidelays. the band delay taps feed back into themselves, the quad delays are all in series, the plex delays have a much more complicated arrangement.

100% feedback is infinite, btw
Hi Simeon,

That patch sounds great! I too am a big fan and user of reverb freeze routings. My new Fx-2 will arrive in two days time and a reverb freeze patch will be one of the first tools I want to migrate into that rig. But I like it a little different so maybe you can answer a few simple questions? Can one assign one CC# (or just an expression pedal plugged into the unit's pedal jack) to several parameters? If so, can one scale each target a differently?

If the above is possible I'd like to set up my fav freeze patch that uses one expression pedal to
- send audio into a reverb set to "all wet" on another channel,
- lower reverb feedback just a bit during the sending-new-audio phase to make "a pocket" for the new sound in the sound cloud
- lower the main reverb output volume a bit when new audio is added (to minimize the smearing and make the rever cloud "talk" to my live playing)

I'm typing this in the last hours of 2012 so Happy New Year to everyone! :)
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