I'm the proud Dad of a young EVH fan...


Power User
These days I don't play much myself, I am just the 'roadie' for my two sons.

This morning, my 13 year old oldest son was asked to play a rendition of 'Eruption' in front of his school assembly to promote an upcoming talent show that the school district is having.

I was lucky enough to be there for the warm up/soundcheck before the hall was filled with students. That's his music teacher walking around taking photos during the check.

He used my Axe-FX here, with the Factory 'Eruption' preset which is his favourite. I am very proud of him. When I was 13 I didn't even know what a guitar was, and here he is a big fan of a piece of music that came out around 20 years before he was born...
Wow, fantastic playing, I can see why you're so proud!! Also good to see him communicating so well with the drummer, clearly a great team player too!

Also, best tone ever in a school talent quest? I remember playing a little Peavey Rage in my school talent quests - things have certainly improved!
that is soooooo cool..
I'm chuffed for ya...

my oldest is a producer.. and last night he sent me a mix of a band he recorded at Uni..
I think it was his first ever proper session [which is actually part of his course work]..
sounded like he did a great job recording, mixing and producing the band..
awesome when you see all this coming together ain't it..
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