ia switch to call up preset


I Know its here somewhere but i cant remember where to find this info
Can i set up an ia switch to call up a preset
Yes you can. Which means that the MFC sends a PC command to the AxeII. It's not the same as callling up a preset on the MFC. And consider that the IA-switch will call up the same Axe preset no matter what bank you are at on the MFC.
I think this may do it
But ill give a little more detail
I have 2 3 channel amps
i am using 4 cm ( to my surprise this is very very very very quiet)
the mfc and the axefx2
rjm rack gizmo
this set up alows me to use the mfc to call up presets and switch to any one of six amp channels in stereo by the press of an preset button
example mfc preset button calls up preset 000 and amp 1 channel 1 .... mfc preset 2 calls up preset 003 amp 2 channel 3

so what i would like is 7 switches that call up my amp channel / axfx presets ...

I have been doing this by just assigning an amp / amp channel to a preset ... but now since i need to call up 7 different amp #/ channel
i dont want to waste buttons on the mfc...( if i set the mfc to have 10 presets i am wasting 3 ia switches at least that what my understanding is from the mannuals is

also what i have found is that i also have the option of by passing the preamp sections of my heads and using the 100 or so amp models which sound very good through the heads power amp

this combined with scenes and allow me and unimaginable array of sounds instantly in stereo by the press of a button

do you think the method u suggested will work wit 7 ia switches to call up presets
Yes. It would probably be best to use 5 regular preset switches + 2 IAs.
perfect thanks
sorry to say that not working
i need each preset to hold amp/amp channel info which is sent to the rack gizmo which determines what amp /amp channel is selected
mfc has become the master channel switcher of 2 amps
so i need 7 preset buttons to call up 7 channels on 2 amps
i guess there is no way to do this other than to do the 10 / 7 set up
i just want to make sure : once i do that the 10 switches can only function as preset selectors correct?
example i want the 6 and 7th preset to carry the amp/channel switching info this way i can bounce around and randomly select anyone of 7 channels
thanks for trying
Yes you can. Which means that the MFC sends a PC command to the AxeII. It's not the same as callling up a preset on the MFC. And consider that the IA-switch will call up the same Axe preset no matter what bank you are at on the MFC.

The reason yek method does not work for me is that it takes me into another bank and I would have to scroll to get back
The reason yek method does not work for me is that it takes me into another bank and I would have to scroll to get back

If you disable TotalSync there will be no bank switching when you press an IA 'preset' switch.
If you disable TotalSync there will be no bank switching when you press an IA 'preset' switch.

I see ...That's what the total sync you mentioned is for
I looked for it briefly in the manual ,couldn't find so I tried your favorite global preset method with out making the change
where is the this snyc function located

if this works
I would be upset because I would have no way of rewarding you for your help properly for your help
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