I just can't understand... Standr and Ultra help

Maybe this is over-simplifying, but I think the only thing that matters when trying to decide between a Standard and an Ultra is that the Ultra has additional effects (you can find lists on the Wiki) and allow you to run more effects at the same time.

So if you want to run lots of effects together (or at least have the option of doing so) and/or you want the additional delays, synths, etc that the Ultra offers (and you can afford it...), get the Ultra. If not, get the Standard.

I feel like that should be all you need to understand to make the decision.
I believe I've read that it's not linearly the same for all effects, so you can't generalize. It depends on the FX used.
That's maybe a part of an explenation.
Oops, that's off topic and talking about speed...

There are different types of memory.
I hope I'm close with this info...
- there's working memory (like in your PC)
- Flash/code memory (when you update firmware)
- memory for new amps/drives

I believe the first two are as good as maxed out for the Standard.
I'm not sure which the Ultra has 6 times more of. I'm guessing working memory (and code memory?).
Like i said in another post 500$ (800$ canadian here with taxes 13%) is alot for me!
I just want to be sure that the standard would be able to run everything i want before i buy it
since i can't try it!

A paste from my other post (sorry about this :p)

I do not really need the effect on the ultra ( only the MBC I would love to try)
Can the standard two different rigs at once with a few effects?

Would it run this Dual rig setup?

Rig 1) --Comp ---Drive--------Amp---Cab
Rig 2) --Filter----Drive--------Amp---Cab

Could i add on one rig dealy and reverb block before the Cab?
If the standard ahve enough memory for this it woulg be enough for me!

webstersp said:
Like i said in another post 500$ (800$ canadian here with taxes 13%) is alot for me!
It was for all of us, but we did it anyway :p

I think your setup including delay and reverb might already be stretching it. Maybe it will just work if you don't use hires cabs. Wait it out for people in the know...
My biggest patch has the following (on a Standard):

1x drive
2x amp
1x peq
1x geq
2x cab
1x pitch
1x reverb

I think if I add anymore effects then the "cpu overload" thing flashes on the screen.
webstersp said:
Would it run this Dual rig setup?

Rig 1) --Comp ---Drive--------Amp---Cab
Rig 2) --Filter----Drive--------Amp---Cab

Could i add on one rig dealy and reverb block before the Cab?
If the standard ahve enough memory for this it woulg be enough for me!

I just created a quick patch using the above settings. The patch used 90% cpu on my Axe Standard using Mono LoRes cabs. With one LoRes and one HiRes, cpu usage was at 97% My Axe was not able to run this setup with two HiRes cabs. I also tried running it with two Redwirez cabs in HiRes. While I did not get the "insufficient cpu" message, my Axe was completely unresponsive and I was not able to check to see how much cpu was being used (I would guess 99.9%). Hopefully this helps!
sgplayer76 said:
webstersp said:
Would it run this Dual rig setup?

Rig 1) --Comp ---Drive--------Amp---Cab
Rig 2) --Filter----Drive--------Amp---Cab

Could i add on one rig dealy and reverb block before the Cab?
If the standard ahve enough memory for this it woulg be enough for me!

I just created a quick patch using the above settings. The patch used 90% cpu on my Axe Standard using Mono LoRes cabs. With one LoRes and one HiRes, cpu usage was at 97% My Axe was not able to run this setup with two HiRes cabs. I also tried running it with two Redwirez cabs in HiRes. While I did not get the "insufficient cpu" message, my Axe was completely unresponsive and I was not able to check to see how much cpu was being used (I would guess 99.9%). Hopefully this helps!
I should also clarify that I did not add a delay or reverb block to either rig. The cpu numbers were based on the settings listed in the two rigs in your post.
Stock or redwires IR makes no difference.
Drives, amps and cabs are the most processor-intensive blocks. And reverb. IIRC.
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