I have a quick question about Voltage 220V- 120V Please help

Hello, newbie to fractal AXEFX here,

Here is my question,

If I buy a used AXEFX ultra unit off ebay in the USA "120Volt" and take it back home to Europe where I am living and working lately can I readjust it to work in 220V current?

Please say this is possible :(
Not possible, but not necessary. Just use a power cord that matches where you live, and the Axe will handle it.

Download the manual and you'll be doing yourself a favor (nudge, nudge). :)
Thank you Rex

Oh so it "auto voltage adjusts itself" ..

now that is good news...
and also says a lot about the "thinking behind the unit itself"
Bravo to Fractal to have thought of that... it will also aid me when I tour around different countries and voltages..
Be sure to check with your borders of any import tax that may occure. can be quite expensive.
I live in Turkey and the customs here even though they are notorious for catching smugglers are very lenient with musicians bringing in personal units for use to earn their livelihood and not for resale. they will let me slide... Thank God
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