I am so tired to the Tube Vs Axe FxII debate.

Some people will always prefer wool over modern products. It's cool. Let them. I like both myself.

I honestly could care less about winning a debate. I kind of really dislike debates like this. Pointless.

This is personal to me and is not anybody's business. I play what I want to play because it's what moves me at the momment. Sometimes I play my Badger, or my Chieftain. An occasional spin on my old Jazz Chorus. I might even plug into my Leslie on occasion. Other times I spend days exploring my AFX-II. I just don't care what Tube Snob Bob thinks. Not even a little bit.
Some people will always prefer wool over modern products. It's cool. Let them. I like both myself.

I honestly could care less about winning a debate. I kind of really dislike debates like this. Pointless.

This is personal to me and is not anybody's business. I play what I want to play because it's what moves me at the momment. Sometimes I play my Badger, or my Chieftain. An occasional spin on my old Jazz Chorus. I might even plug into my Leslie on occasion. Other times I spend days exploring my AFX-II. I just don't care what Tube Snob Bob thinks. Not even a little bit.


Dude, you just gotta just let people believe what they want, they might come around they might not. Most people always try to justify their purchases, so their device will always be the best until its not.

I get in a stuper sometimes, because i get amazed by this technology, to think this type of technology hasn't really existed in this state before to this level to this precise ness. I feel like we are in this grass roots project, and our job is to enjoy our purchase and to scream at mountain tops to let peple know, that the device you have been looking for is here, it's real and it really does what it says it does.

When I first got it, I had this stupid little laugh, that I just couldn't shake. After playing a few chords I realized pretty quickly that this didn't sound like a typical digital device, it had this warmth and grit and no digital aliasing that I had heard so many times before. Soon i became addicted to this thing, because it had finally fulfilled a purpose in my music part of my life. It's not just an amp processor or effects rack, it has become a grass roots movement, a brotherhood, a desire to help make it better. You look at all the artists on the artist page, they are professional musicians I am not, but we all have the same goal, and that's to help make this the best product that it can be. I am probably like you not a programmer that does dsp programming, but what we are, are fractal evangelists spreading the word that, yes you can have a device that sounds every bit as good as any amp that has ever existed. And You know that is a pretty cool thing.
I absolutely agree with you. Who am I,just a guy who is trying to make a professional career out of playing guitar and being a musician. And I am glad I could see these times,where I have an Axe FxII. Indeed the message of the Axe is spreading through great players.
My operating theory is just that folks like to bicker. The topic doesn't really matter, the truth of the discussion doesn't really matter. Just some entitled sense of being 'right" at all costs.

You'll see the progression of negative behavior cycling from the "thing", to the 'idea' to attacks on the people involved all in order to 'win' some sort of forced and very singular reality. It is a cycle that repeats and repeats, creating it's own meme's that get repeated over and over ad nauseum.

One key that I always repeat as a mantra is that the more personal it gets, the less personal you can take it.

Real life is nothing like what you see online.

That is sound advice right there Scott. Indeed very true,I guess we just got to do what we do best and let the music and tone do the talking.
You're all correct guys.
The conclusion is I guess let the tone do the talking. The players that stand behind this product and our own ears are the best judges of the capabilities of the Axe FxII.
I just bought a Jet City JCA100h off crigslist and its ok but i havent really pushed it to where the sweet spot is. At this point tho i can honestly say my axe ultra sounds better. Im waiting to get a attenuator to run it at 12 noon since im afraid my house will fall down at that volume.
I gotta say im spoiled by all the effects and versatility the axefx gives me.
I stopped caring a long time ago. There's about as much merit to arguing about tone as their is about favorite ice cream flavors. Everyone likes what they'll like and if they don't want to experience something else or have a predisposition to not like something they aren't going to like it. At the end of the day I like all kinds of flavors of ice cream, I just happen to prefer owning a Baskin Robbins in my rack.

Only time I'll get up in arms is when someone misrepresents a product. One of my favorites right now is that the AxeFXII requires a degree in astrophysics to create a patch. Either I'm extremely smart or there are some really stupid MF'ers out there because its pretty brain dead simple to me.
Its like Xbox vs PlayStation, Apple vs PC, iPhone vs Droid...
Whichever you own you'll probably be biased towards.
Unless your the non-idiot type, then your mind is open to all possibilities.
Keeping an open mind brought me to the Eleven Rack and then the AxeFX II.
Don't miss my Tube amps at all. I like that I can have Fender, Marshall, Mesa, and More all in the same Set.
I think my Axe2 toasts Tube amps because this variety and because they sound spot on to me, Even Live.
I get complements at my Gigs ALL the time from other Musicians.
Just as much and possibly more than I did with my Tube setups.
So basically, I would say there full of $h!t
It's human nature to defend the choices we have made. If you simply compliment someone with an opposing view or choice on their happiness with them then it would end there. Somehow we feel that degrades our own choices and that is just not true. So we bicker over and over and nothing is resolved or changed. Both are still happy with their choices and should be regardless of what others think.

Then you toss in the instigator who just likes to be confrontational and argue for the sake of arguing and that escalates everything. Many of these persons have low self-esteem and just find joy in getting reactions. Their self-worth comes from creating chaos and the internet is their sanctuary since they can do so in anonymity.

Gear is gear, products are just that, products. If everyone had the same taste we would live in a boring world. Be happy with your choices. If not, then simply change it up. If someone else went a different direction and are content then be happy for their success. It does not diminish you in any way.

With that said… Tubes and ANYTHING profiling them suck! :lol

... I'm off to the therapist :p
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It's human nature to defend the choices we have made. If you simply compliment someone with an opposing view or choice on their happiness with them then it would end there. Somehow we feel that degrades our own choices and that is just not true. So we bicker over and over and nothing is resolved or changed. Both are still happy with their choices and should be regardless of what others think.

+1 - People will defend, often in a biased way, what they've sunk their hard earned cash into. Don't expect to tell someone who has just plunked $2500 on a boogie MkV that the Axe Fx does boogie as good as boogie. You just ain't gonna get far with that. And why bother.

I enjoy my Axe and wish I had a MkV to go with it!
So, what is the very BEST pizza?? Thin Crust? Thick Crust? I am not even going to attempt to write the toppings. I have a favorite myself. That's what I order. I never tell the guy at the table next to mine that his pizza sucks and he really should have gotten what I ordered if he wanted the BEST PIZZA.

I agree with my French brother, lp59's Smile theory. Followed by: "That's an interesting point of view man, Thanks for sharing. I gotta run now."
This vs That debates when dealing with something as subjective as music are always going to be silly. When I was just starting out playing (fuck, almost 20 years ago...) I didn't give a shit about tone, didn't know what solid state or tube even meant, and didn't care. I just had an awesome time jamming the hell out feeling like a rock star with my crappy Peavey Rage 108 and dirty a old cheap Kramer.

Use what you like, not what someone else tells you is good. There are enough things for us to worry about that actually matter, music is supposed to be the release, remember? ;)

Now, single malts vs blends.. THAT's a debate worth having.
I saw a thread on a Marshall forum that I found via a search engine while looking for information last night . I thought it was amusing because even there you have which Marshall is best, and a modded JVM that could get close to YJM100 tones, there were some who despite the evidence said it couldn't. The first thing I thought of was this thread as I thought it was ironic.
Valves are better than tubes though :lol
All I can say about this, is that for the past 10 - 15 years I have been looking for a digital solution to amp and cab modelling that really works.
I have owned the V amp Pro, and Boss Gt 10. I used to walk into guitar shops and talk to the guys behind the desk about putting my GT 10 or whatever straight into the PA and they would look at me like I was some kind of idiot.
Then I bought the Eleven Rack and things got closer.
Now I own the Axe Fx II and I realize that the technology has finally got there , the point I wanted to be at 10 - 15 years ago.
I have sold my other gear.
I no longer have any need to get into arguments about it, or try to convince others about it.
The reality is that the Axe Fx just does the job.
Once again everyone has given some fantastic insight on this subject.
Indeed we must be happy with what we have and not let others put us down due to the choices we make.
Cause the choices we made are smart,awesome,and they work for us perfectly.
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