Humanize Control/Simulating Dual Recorded Guitar Tracks Live?


Fractal Fanatic
I was watching this demo video of the Digitech vocalist live 3.

at about 2:34 he talks about a humanize feature which basically will offset the harmonized backing vocals at total random to make them sound more natural. I was thinking about this feature and was wondering if it can ever be applied to guitar as an effect or feature of the harmony/pitch block. For example if you set an effect that doubles the guitar track but instead of doubling the guitar sound in perfect sync, its slightly off and at random. This would theoretically simulate the recording of two separate guitar tracks. would be a cool feature both live and in the studio if it worked the way im imagining. If anyone could make it happen it would be Cliff.:pride:

Any thoughts on this? Or does anyone have any effective way of simulating guitar doubling?
We already have a random waveform for the LFO. You can modify delay time and detune of pitch block ( highly constrained) to get that effect.

Real double tracking will sound better though.
We already have a random waveform for the LFO. You can modify delay time and detune of pitch block ( highly constrained) to get that effect.

Real double tracking will sound better though.

Would this be beneficial to use in a mono live setting?

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You can do this with the pitch block, where it simulates the dual recorded guitars by delaying one side (optimal between 8-24 ms in my experience wors best) and slighly offsetting one side by a few cents. I use this trick all the time to either widen my sound on some parts, or to make room in the middle for the other guitarplayer.
The "huamizing" part you mention, that ofsets by random cents I don't really buy into... Fake stereo IS fake stereo ;)
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