We have lots of aluminum wiring - the house was built in the 70s - so I'm going to contract this guy to check everything. When I'm ready to finish the basement and put in a small studio I'll have him run copper from the breaker to the studio on a dedicated line or two.

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We have lots of aluminum wiring...
There's the problem. Aluminum wiring is a fire hazard unless it's correctly installed (lugs, Co/Air-rated receptacles, fixtures and switches, oxide inhibitor, and lots of other stuff). Even then, it's an added risk. Some insurance carriers won't even cover your house if they find out you have aluminum wiring.

You owe it to yourself to replace as much of your wiring as you can afford. At least make sure everything that your wiring terminates to is properly installed and rated. Check with your insurance company, too.

The Truth About Aluminum Wiring
- Since it's new, have you tried Resetting System Parameters?

just installed the new firmware guess that should have reset stuff?

Songwaters - hmm, sorry if I hijacked your thread. :)

Have you tried refreshing after FW update in AXE-EDIT?

I noticed the hiss I was experiencing disappeared after I loaded a new amp into one of my presets and then switched the original amp back in.

That prompted me to do a refreshing after FW update in AXE-EDIT and BOOM the hiss was gone.

I must have forgotten to do this when I first upgraded to the official FW19.

Hope this helps.
Whoa dude, your lucky you did not have fire! That would most certainly add hiss to your tone.
I use a Monster power conditioner, that works really well. My house is a 100 years old, power
has been upgraded since. As far as LCD goes, you won't hear hiss, it always a buzzz, hiss is always
power filtering, or lack of I should say.
No kidding ps43203!?!

Imagine if that socket didn't start shorting open intermittently. Instead of that being our first clue something was wrong it would have been my son's room on fire.

Re: the hiss - I have a Monster (2500) conditioner in my Fractal rack too. Hiss (like the soft sound of a distant waterfall) is normal to some extent. E.g., you would not be surprised to hear some hiss if you pulled up a patch with nothing connected to the AXE input and cranked the output all the way up. The tonal character of that hiss might change from preset to preset. But, with the output set from say 9 o'clock to 2 o'clock that hiss would be fairly inaudible ... really no problem at all.

The hiss I was experiencing was loudly amplified, but abated to normal levels after I finally realized I must not have done a refresh after the FW 19 update.

Sometimes I'll come home late, giddily install new FW, but go straight to bed exhausted without playing (because I know if I start I'll wake everyone up). So it's a real possibility I just didn't do a post-FW refresh.

But, this was not a buzz or a hum from emi or an AXE or FW issue at all. Just me.

Did the OP ever resolve his problem?

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What is? Dying to know!
Hiss is broadband noise—noise that contains a wide range of frequencies, all at once. Hiss is everywhere, all the time (cosmic, or what?). Random movement of electrons or air molecules or... The noise floor of an audio signal is hiss. It's often too quiet to be heard. When you do hear it, it's usually because there's enough gain that the noise floor becomes audible. Google "white noise" or "pink noise," and listen to the audio files that your search digs up. That's hiss.

It doesn't help that people often use the word "hiss" to describe all kinds of crud—buzzing, crackling, low-frequency hum and such—that isn't hiss at all.
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