High Res


Being a newer Axe II owner I never had the pleasure to use the High Res knob. After finishing my chem studying this morning, I decided I should upgrade to 5.04 and see how it was. I pulled up my Bogner XTC red patch (I'm more of a modern high gain guy) and it sounded the same as it did on the previous firmware, which was pretty damn close to my real XTC. I cranked up the high res and a little low res to smooth it out and WOW, my tone just came to life! Every day I'm learning a bit more about how to dial this thing in and with every day/ every update it just gets better and better. Putting the high res back in was a great decision and I'm loving what it's doing for my tone! Thanks Cliff and team!
I agree. Although I do feel it was more powerful in FW 3.x (I think that is the one...). Whichever version it was before it was simplified. We used to be able to raise the Hi Freq to like 16k or higher. I felt that offered us more flexibility in smoothing tones out. Maybe it's just me.

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Try messing with the dynamics parameter (it should be renamed "3D"!). that and the xformer match made my preset explode into awesomeness! Turn the dynamics all the way down, play it a little, then try it at 50%. The feel when you dig in becomes more expressive and tone becomes "3D"ish. I'm still blown away about it.
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Try messing with the dynamics parameter (it should be renamed "3D"!). that and the xformer match made my preset explode into awesomeness! Turn the dynamics all the way down, play it a little, then try it at 50%. The feel when you dig in becomes more expressive and tone becomes "3D"ish. I'm still blown away about it.
Absolutely the dynamics at 50% are so killer man!
I think maybe sometimes people like myself that never did much with professional music gear or mixing gear are just overwhelmed with trying to figure out what to do with the advanced features. I did really enjoy playing with the dynamics level. I got lost somewhere though, with figuring out where to stop adding or subtracting it, and I was in the "between-more-and-less-dynamic" quandry zone. That's like in Stephen King's Dead Zone, but with respect to the future of your guitar patch that you're working on. The parameters just seem to spin without life or purpose.

So the grid is populated with zombie blocks that cease to act intelligently. I experienced this when playing with the dynamics knob. While I'm detecting the greater feel at 50%, I'm not sure where and why to stop cranking the dial. 50% becomes 60% becomes 70%. Is there a descriptive word for the overuse of this effect? Is it, I dunno, 4 D? Cuz that WOULD present problems for a lot of us that even 5 D wouldn't solve....

Of course, I'm kidding for the most part; there are known knowns when it comes to this, and there are known unknowns, and there are also known clowns, and unknown clouns, and I would say that it is silly (now that I think seriously about it) to complain about not understanding a little parameter like this, when there's very little I actually understand well enough to even know that I don't understand it.
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