High-pitch frequency issue

Just FYI, but the perceived pitch of tinnitus is highly variable. Often it corresponds to around 4-6kHz, consistent with the “noise notch” area greatest threshold shift from noise induced hearing loss. I have many patients though with low frequency tinnitus, roaring sounds, white noise, sizzling bacon sounds, etc. Some patients do have very high frequency tinnitus perception though of 12kHz or so. In all reality though, pitch matching the tinnitus perception to a real world tone really doesn’t help in the management of it, but some folks do seem to take comfort in putting some measureable parameters on it.

My area of clinical specialization when getting my doctorate was in tinnitus management by the way.

I have this lower frequency ringing in my right ear. It’s been full of gunk in the past year or so and feels bloated sometimes but it doesn’t sound muffled.When listing to higher volume transients (drums,guitar thump,garage door closing) it actually irritates my ear. Gets almost itchy inside. I even had to stop playing completely last year due to this irritation for a number of months. It got better....I can’t figure out if the low hum is from traffic noise building up in my house as there is a busy road near by and the noise is around the same frequency as my room modes.
Help me doctor.
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