Hi gain topology Marshall vs. Mesa


Power User
Maybe the topic is a little misleading sorry for that but while you're here...

Anyone ever notice in high gain amps that no one really ever clones Mesa amps? What I mean is, when you read about an amp you'll usually read something like "it's basically a tweaked Marshall _______" I don't know that I've ever read that an amp is basically a tweaked Mesa/Boogie, with the exception of a Framus Cobra. This really surprises me given the Recto popularity and how awesome the MK IIC+ and MK IV's are. Maybe there are some Mesa derived amps out there that I'm not aware of.... any body know of any?
Iirc the mark was originally based on a fender and the recto preamp is based on the SLO 100
I've wondered about this too. I can't really think of any other amp that has been inspired by Mesa. You'd think that somebody would try to make a more straightforward amp with less bells and whistles. Or one that gets you that Metallica sound like so many amps claim to get you the brown sound.
Iirc the mark was originally based on a fender and the recto preamp is based on the SLO 100
Yea... you're right about that....

I've wondered about this too. I can't really think of any other amp that has been inspired by Mesa. You'd think that somebody would try to make a more straightforward amp with less bells and whistles. Or one that gets you that Metallica sound like so many amps claim to get you the brown sound.

That's definitely surprising, if you spend enough time around forums i think you'll see the Metallica tone is almost as sought after. I've been GASing (a little bit) for a Mark IV lately to use as a B rig to my AF2. I just wish channel 2 was useable, from most all I've read it's not. This is what got me wondering about this.
I've been GASing (a little bit) for a Mark IV lately to use as a B rig to my AF2. I just wish channel 2 was useable, from most all I've read it's not. This is what got me wondering about this.
I got a Mark IV in1993 and for years avoided channel 2, kicking in the 5 band EQ did help allot. Time Marches on, and the amp needed tubes, different sound with new tubes for sure and there were certain times channel 2 sounded better. About 12 years ago I ended up getting some tubes from Doug's Tubes, He was close to were I lived so I just picked them up. For the pre-amp section he sold a cocktail of different manufactures tubes, decided what the hell.
Did the amp sound great? Sure did as it always did with new tubes. One difference: channel 2 became my go-to channel.
It all in the tubes! At least it was for my Mark IV

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Mesa really like patents too, which may be part of the reason you don't see a lot of clones.


I don't think I'd be the only one who would wait in line for the IIC+ lead channel in a wooden headshell if they did eventually do it.

Can you really patent an amp or circuit? From what I gather in the DIY pedal business you can patent a PCB and your original schematic. But draw it just differently and things are completely different. What makes Mesa so much more successful at it then everyone else?
I have owned both. Those Marshall amps really boogie. Smith does does the patent thing a lot. Perhaps he is concerned for his business going down the tubes.

Personally, I am really thankful that Jim and Randall had "different takes" on their amps. Gives us players so many options to chase tone.
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