Help with lead patch and spikeyness thru bog 2x12 w/v30s

Any ideas how to tame the ice pick nature in all my patches? thru a 4x12 with greenbacks its not there thru my bog 2x12 with v30s it is any suggestions on taming the shrew? maybe some eq bands to cut or some tricks?Also my lead patch which is a Herbert channel two with tube screamer and is tough to string legato on, have the noise gate on to kill noise..any suggestions? much appreciated Im new to the way I am running thru power amp obviously a qsc gx5 but will switch to matrix when I feel more comfortable with the unit...Help!
Any ideas how to tame the ice pick nature in all my patches? thru a 4x12 with greenbacks its not there thru my bog 2x12 with v30s it is any suggestions on taming the shrew? maybe some eq bands to cut or some tricks?Also my lead patch which is a Herbert channel two with tube screamer and is tough to string legato on, have the noise gate on to kill noise..any suggestions? much appreciated Im new to the way I am running thru power amp obviously a qsc gx5 but will switch to matrix when I feel more comfortable with the unit...Help!

Have you tried just inserting a passive graphic eq at the end of your chain?
Throw a filter block on(personally I use it after the amp and cab block), change it to the "bandpass" type and narrow the Q.
Now sweep through the spectrum until you find a few frequencies that sound awful.
Remember these frequencies, and replace the filter block with a PEQ block. Cut each of those frequencies by 1-6 db with a narrow Q of 5 or more.

This might help with those annoying frequency spikes in the high end and low mids. I usually find some around 240 hz, 445 hz, 3100 hz, and 5300 hz.
In AMP / Speaker Tab:
Turn back High Resonance (Default value mostly is 5.00 ... 5.83)
or reduce Slope if you want some more Mids while you get a less prominent high end.
I play BESIDE real cabs rather than IN FRONT of them. Makes a huge difference to
my ear in removing icepick effect.
Here are some things you can try:
Try changing the input impedance from Auto to something with a CAP.
Try lower Master Volume setting.
Turn presence down or off.
Turn treble down.
Use EQ block.
I generally keep presence quite low and boost treble.
I find this gives me more cut in the top end, where needed, without the grating high frequencies.

Or, if I need to use presences as the amp tone benefits from it, I'll go a bit harsher on my high end filter.
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