help needed!

Just made the leap from old tube head to axe fx. I'm one of those older guys that fought technology for long time then finally gave in. Anyways picked up a mfc101 footcontroller and just upgraded the firmware (that took me an hour trying to figure it out)I have read the manual,but still confused. Can someone please explain to me the programming for dummies way to do things. The question: lets say I like preset 200 and want to move it so that is is one of my first pedals (lets say pedal 2) how do I do that? Once it is moved to 2 on the footswitch what happens to preset 2, does it move or get deleted?

for instance my plan it to have the first five buttons be my main sounds (lead, rythym, heavy rythym, light drive, clean) so I want to move stuff around to do that.

Thanks in advance
Maybe there is a better way, but i just moved my patches in the axe fx in the order that i liked. Just one bad thing : if you save a preset in different location you overwright the existing patch that was there.
Maybe there is a better way, but i just moved my patches in the axe fx in the order that i liked. Just one bad thing : if you save a preset in different location you overwright the existing patch that was there.

Thanks for the reply! that sounds like a very long process what did u do with the patches at those spots?

u would think there has to be an easier way< it's midi, man I figured u pull up the patch u want you hit edit, you select what channel and away u go>>>> apparently not I guess or I've missed something.
Check out this chapter in your MFC manual=12.4.2 Axe-Fx Preset Transmit Map, it might b what u r looking for. This allows u to place presets from the axe fx anywhere on the MFC in the order u want
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Thanks for the reply! that sounds like a very long process what did u do with the patches at those spots?

u would think there has to be an easier way< it's midi, man I figured u pull up the patch u want you hit edit, you select what channel and away u go>>>> apparently not I guess or I've missed something.

There are two potential solutions to your dilemma:

1-) Program your floor controller so that when you press button 2, it calls out midi preset 200. I am not familiar with the mfc101, so I don't know if it supports that or not, and can't explain how to do it.

2-) Use the internal midi map in the Axe-fx. Press the I/O button on the front panel, tab over to the "Midi" tab, and scroll down to the mapping. Read the manual or Wiki for exact procedure. Using that, when you send preset 2 from your mfc101, the Axe-fx will map that to preset 200 and recall that instead.
Thanks for the reply! that sounds like a very long process what did u do with the patches at those spots?.
It's actually a very QUICK process... and presets in the spots you are overwriting are most likely factory presets, so are fully recoverable/restorable.
On Axe, to save preset 200 to preset 1, hit the store button, then use the data wheel to select the preset into which to store it (default is current location). Press Enter (twice IIRC - I'm not in front of it right now).
You will now have preset 200 in both locations.. 200 and 1.
On MFC, first preset selected (Button 1) will be same preset on Axe.
Way I have done it is leave the presets alone in the Axe FX, use song mode on the MFC and then you can allocate the Axe patches to whichever buttons you so wish, I dont actually use it as songs, I use song mode to program for differant guitars.
For example, I use song 1 for Les paul...I then programme my best 10 sounds ( I use a bank size of 10 ) to presets 1 -10. Then Song 2 will be my strat sounds, same again. Remember the preset when u stomp on the MFC is just calling up an Axe preset so it does not change anything.
I made some simple notes to myself on doing this, it really is a very easy process:-

In Songmode
The UP & DOWN switches move through songs rather than banks
To add Presets to Song mode
Press EDIT ( When in songmode )
Press SONG/SET switch to arrive at song edit screen
( Song 001 P01 = P001 )
Press INCR or DECR footswitches to select a song to edit
Press the PARAMETER - > footswitch to move to song preset, then INCR or DECR to select the desired song preset
that you are going to save the patch into
Press the PARAMETER -> footswitch to move to the Preset field to select then INCR or DECR to locate the
desired preset to put in the slot selected above
Continue to use the PARAMETER <-> and INCR/DECR footswitches to move between selecting
slots in the song & presets to put in them
Press EXIT to return out
To Name Things:-
To Name a Preset…EDIT then PRESET, Select a preset for editing
Then PAGE -> 1x to get to Name MFC-101
For songs
then use PARAMETER <-> to move between song no & song name
Way I have done it is leave the presets alone in the Axe FX, use song mode on the MFC and then you can allocate the Axe patches to hichever buttons you so wish,
Excellent suggestion for those not wanting to move presets around. Song Mode is incredibly beneficial in that regard, tho' from what I can tell not used by many. Wwith up to 10 presets per "song", the OP could have one song with all of his needs met :)
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