Help me decide: Axe-Fx III or AX8

An AxeFx III is one hell of a device for this use. Kind of over-the-top, but it will be great. The people you are emulating were actually using (in a sense) lesser gear. Back when I was a kid (dagnabit!), we had to use our Twin and Plexi, and then crank the stereo. It was our only option for bedroom levels, if you also happened to sleep in the Royal Albert Hall.
If any of you like woodworking ... Fractal is like Festool for woodworkers ... top of the line, expensive but awesome tools that retain their value thanks to a great company and a group of like minded non toxic people.

Great analogy. I have a little home wood shop with a handful of Festool products. You cringe when paying for them but it's one time thing because they just work time and time again. Quality over quantity.

You wont be disappointed in your decision. I'm sure of that.
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You should get the III because you are a bedroom player.

If you make your living playing music, buy the least expensive tools that enable you to get the job done. If you're a hobbyist you should spare no expense. Why? Because hobbies are what we do for fun. Hobbies bring us joy.

Bring some joy to your life. I've never known anyone who regrets bringing joy to their life.
We have several points in common! although I may be older than you because I grew up with Blackmore, not with Metallica :cool::

  • I’ve also been carrying huge racks, including triaxis, egnaters, eventides, JMP1 and blah blah blah
  • Before the Axe-FX Standard I also did my own “tone matching” using all kind of gear, speaker sims and EQs
  • I am neither a professional musician. This is just a hobby that I can barely afford, but I stretch the budget and I drive a cheap car (and my wife ignores the real cost)
  • I am not just a believer; I've experienced personal revelations, epiphanies and multiorgasms manifesting without doubt that Fractal Audio is The Best.

Go with the III !!! :D
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Nobody needs a III, but life is much more enjoyable with it! I can't imagine anybody regretting this choice. I keep my II and AX8 as spare and quick needs in a small package, but the III rules. It's the shizznitt.
You should get the III because you are a bedroom player.

If you make your living playing music, buy the least expensive tools that enable you to get the job done. If you're a hobbyist you should spare no expense. Why? Because hobbies are what we do for fun. Hobbies bring us joy.

Bring some joy to your life. I've never known anyone who regrets bringing joy to their life.
Can you talk to my wife please....wait no. LOL!
We'll tell her that we're the respected Medical Doctor Gerald A. Snark and give you a prescription for the Axe III to solve Acute Central Auditory Processing Disorder. With that many words, she'll have to believe it! Unless she sees this post anyway.
We'll tell her that we're the respected Medical Doctor Gerald A. Snark and give you a prescription for the Axe III to solve Acute Central Auditory Processing Disorder. With that many words, she'll have to believe it! Unless she sees this post anyway.
Well I already have my AXE III but I always want more anyhow...

Congrats OP on your decision.
I've been subscribed to Leon's channel for a while now haha, a great guy and a great player!
I'm also waiting for Cooper Carter's Axe FX III Masterclass to come out ...
When your fingers stop bleeding after having played the axe for a few days, you really should check out austin buddy's 1000 presets. You will learn a lot and save huge amounts of time. Wish i had those when i got my first axe-ii 5 years ago :)
When your fingers stop bleeding after having played the axe for a few days, you really should check out austin buddy's 1000 presets. You will learn a lot and save huge amounts of time. Wish i had those when i got my first axe-ii 5 years ago :)
The biggest confusion for me on these extra products (amps/IRs) to add to the AXE3 is trying to determine which packs include things that arey new and not already contained in the unit from the factory. There are a bunch of YA, OH IRs for example in the 3 that are not in the other FAS gear... so how/what depicts what is actually a new IR that is not already loaded out of the box?

There are all kinds of packs that existed all these years that reference AXE FX II, AX8.

As a new owner it's very confusing to determine how to spend my money on this stuff because it's not easy to tell what is fresh material in the store, and what is considered superior vs. older content etc.

This may seem totally clear to the gurus here, not to me.
The biggest confusion for me on these extra products (amps/IRs) to add to the AXE3 is trying to determine which packs include things that arey new and not already contained in the unit from the factory. There are a bunch of YA, OH IRs for example in the 3 that are not in the other FAS gear... so how/what depicts what is actually a new IR that is not already loaded out of the box?

There are all kinds of packs that existed all these years that reference AXE FX II, AX8.

As a new owner it's very confusing to determine how to spend my money on this stuff because it's not easy to tell what is fresh material in the store, and what is considered superior vs. older content etc.

This may seem totally clear to the gurus here, not to me.

I agree....its a jungle out there. I had my II for 5 years and prefered to do everything myself. It was fun in the beginning, but one day I realized I spend way too much time doing presets instead of playing. Especially all the IR's out there is a time killer. I bought Fremens 5-scenes pack for the II....which saved me a lot of time, and for my new III the austin buddy ones which are super for getting some really good starting points. Again huge time saver if you wanna play instead of tweak :)
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