Help! Help! Help!


i was trying Scott's transformer match tip earlier. All of a sudden, no sound, patch amps have reverted to 59 bassguy, vol, pitch and other fx blocks missing from layout. i have a gig tomorrow - NOT GOOD!!! I tried to reset sys params, i tried rebooting while holding down recall. I tried reinstalling firmware, downgrading to 5.7, restoring user bank A from onboard rom. Nothing. Help please...
what else did you do while trying the transformer match? did it suddenly disappear or did you power cycle then it was gone?

are you using axe edit? did you backup your patches either to axe edit or to the backup memory?

are all patches blank?
i hit bypass twice to reset the block. i was not using edit at the time but now i am. now i cant even reload firmware - transfer error. no input lights on front from guitar signal either.
all of the patches arent blank but they are missing blocks and the amps have changed. i have no sound even on factory patches.
I'm trying again to reload 6.0. I fixed the input issue cause i forgot to set my input after earlier sys parms reset. ALL patches now sound clean. File transfer is in progress but the screen keeps flickering to the tuner and file transfer back and forth. very weird. this sucks.
not on. i restored factory bank A an still nothing. now not even clean sounds and last file transfer did not complete. before today, last time i used my axe was on sun. tonight i played for 2 min then this. any other reset tricks you know of?
when you said earlier that blocks were missing, was that your patches, or factory patches? most 6.0 factory patches 1-50 almost every block in the row has something. is this still the case? not sure about the onboard ones.

in the utility menu, what firmware does it say you are on?
blocks are missing in my patches. now i'm on all factory patches. i have input lights but now no ouput sound. utility says 6.0
which input are you going into? INSTR or rear?
Check that..
Check that you don't have a volume modifier set to zero somewhere...
Check state of amp and cab modeling - in global settings..
As above, are you using any pedals? Anything MIDI hooked up?

I'm pretty sure you reset parameters and you said you fixed the input. Look at the VU meters in Utility. Any activity there input and output?
Get the editor out of the loop. Use it - at this point - only to reload your firmware.

Reload your firmware. Do a system reset. Reload your presets from a known good back up.

I am guessing something glitched between the editor your Axe-FX.
I've been trying with and without the editor. At this point, when I try to reload firmware from 2 different macs, 2 different USB cables, firmware load screen flickers between that and the tuner. Then it shows Transfer Error. None of the amps are working in ANY preset (I restored all pres back to factory banks) clean sounds (sounds like bypass signal) no matter what amp model or patch I use.

Scott, when you say factory reset, are you talking about system parameter reset? I've tried that 3 times. Is there any way I can restore EVERYTHNG back to factory settings? As of now I don't even care if I have to rebuild my patches from scratch.

What's really funny is that earlier yesterday in another thread I posted a story about gig and concluded as to how much I love my axe - still do, just need it working.

Got my B - rig going for my gig tonight, thank God this happened last night...
maybe not today with the gig and all, but is there any chance you can shoot a video of what the screen looks like when you load firmware etc?

other than that, time to email support and link to this thread. dang :(
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