Help getting rid of EM interference with active PU?

Hey guys. When I use my axe fx with active pickups, I get EM interference when I sit close to my desktop screen, probably from the actives and computer monitor being so close. It goes away if I move about 10 feet away from the monitor, but than that's not a practical recording position for me. Does anyone have any methods of preventing or reducing unwanted EM interference?
10 feet? That seems a bit extreme. Are you using an old CRT monitor? If so, you may want to go LCD.
A few suggestions:

  • Does it happen with all active pickups, or just one set of them? Maybe you've got a set that's overly sensitive to EMF.
  • Maybe it's the guitar itself. Is it shielded?
  • Try turning slowly in a circle to see which angle gives you the least interference.
  • Put as much disatance as you can between the guitar and the source of the interference.
  • Use the noise gate.
  • Or just turn off the monitor while you're laying down a track. :)
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