Help "Bigger" sound


Had first practice last night with V10 finally, Had all new patch, pretty complex with scenes and what not. Everything worked great.
Running 5153 Red preset into GT1000FX (bridged mono) into Mesa recto cab....Stereo sounded better than Mono, but need to dial in mono because no sound guy in LA is going to let me go stereo in a two guitar band. I have tried, at every venue, and I always get the same thing. Why? Thats another thread.......Anyway

I loved my three lead patches. warm and big.. would not change a thing, Clean shinned as AFX FX always has.. The only issue I was having was my rhythm tone which I though I loved sounded not "big" when the band fired up. Of course I get the pleasure of being next to the bass player always, so I know some of my low end is gonig to be sucked out,lol. I though I was to low volume wise but the guitar was cutting through like a hot butter knife. I could hear everything which was awesome. I just could not get "big" ''meaty" sound out of my Rhythm patch. Turn up, which I thought I needed to do, just made it way to loud in the mix.

The AMP block for rhythm is the same as lead AMP, no change, A Null Filter for boost +4 db, Of course the delays and reverb (parallel) helped make the leads sound great and big,
I put a small room reverb on the Rhythm and that kind of helped, tried medium REV,,too mutch.. Don't really want Delay on rhythm channel.

Going in the studio tonight to try some things, so any tricks or advise would help me get there quicker:

Already planned:
Dynamic Depth and Dynamic Presence.
Doubling and Mixing another AMP block. I already have 2 amp blocks, 1 clean, 1 dirty, Can I take the clean amp that is bypassed in Rhythm mode and change it to Y, turn in on, and duplicate the on AMP.?
GEQ after AMP and boost the lower end?
Delay blocks with short delay?
*** Make 11 o'clock sound like 10' o'c'lock****

When playing at gig volumes by myself, I thought it sounded how I wanted, heck, I got 4 out of 5 scenes perfect, When you add, another guitar (tube amp), bass and drums that rhythm sound got thin. Best way to describe it. By myself it sounded like a 4 x 12, when the band came in a 1 x 12...I guess...

I dialed everything in at what I thought was gig volume, let say 11 o'clock on the matrix. Had to turn down to 10 o'clock when the band fired up.. Maybe that's part of it. I have left the Matrix at its setting fromlast night. Will try to fatten up from there.....Does this make any early in the day, time for coffee and pancakes..

Thanks guys.
Sounds like you're competing too much with bass and drums.

Having a fair amount of low end is great when you're by yourself. In a band situation, you want to leave a lot of lows out. The bass and kick drum needs that space. Where the guitar comes in is the midrange. Next time you're with the full band try cutting lows and boosting mids with a PEQ or GEQ. Sometimes just the fat switch does wonders.
Can you live with changing to a Marshall Amp model for rhythm?

The V10 Plexi Treble is just a sweet rhythm tone that seems to sit in a mix easy for me. Add an RC Booster or TS in front for more saturated gain.

Might try adding a PEQ at the end of the chain and boosting somewhere in the 600-800hz range. Play with it a little to find your sweet spot, it doesn't take much (3db or so usually works - play with the Q too). It adds some thickness.
Might try adding a PEQ at the end of the chain and boosting somewhere in the 600-800hz range. Play with it a little to find your sweet spot, it doesn't take much (3db or so usually works - play with the Q too). It adds some thickness.

Good ideas, I did think about trying a different AMP for Rhythm. In V9.02 it was a TS 808 mod and brit 800 for that. Did not work that well in V10. In Brit 800's defense I really did not give it much of a chance. Once I hit 5153 preset I was happy..

During practice last night I did bump the highs. Funny,I kept saying to myself, it sounds to mid rangy on the low power cords.

I think I will try coping the preset to three or four locations, load up a bunch of AMP blocks (rhythm only) X/Y, assign IA's and try on the fly..
They all will have the same characteristics at gig volume but by myself,

one that sounds really low end,
one that sounds really mid rangy
one that sounds really trebly
Then see what one sounds best in a full band situation (MIX)

Man those cleans and leads sure put a smile on my face last night.... 1 scene to go and I will be in heaven.. for know anyway. I have come to the conclusion and except that the journey never ends...
Some people call it collecting....I call it

Cliff gets to call
Well had some time this evening and went in to that rhythm patch and since I did not want to change the lead tone I copied amp X to Y and added 3.5 dynamic depth, brought the bass up a tad, dropped the mid a dat and upped presence. Well, it does sound better but now the scenes are not seamless any more.. Crap....especially coming off lead and going to rhythm, Is this because it has to switch from X back to Y now? I really do not want those Y characteristics on leads.....
You can solve your problem with a stereo sound by buying 2 57 mics and get a Y Cable with 1 male XkR I'm one end and 2 female XLR on the other end. You plug the male end to the snake and plug 2 mic cables to the 2 female end of the Y and then to both mics.
You said you are in a 2 guitar band. How similar is your tone to the other guitar player? Do you guys work to complement each other?
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