Hello and WOW tone.....

Just got my AXE-FX II yesterday (was on the waiting list for only five weeks, and it took only a week to get here). Not having much experience with tubes, but having had a vision of tone for years, along with hearing some good tone here, I went ahead and did it. After day one of creating patches from scratch, I wasn't so sure, but today I put in some EQ blocks (comparing GEQ and PEQ - I'm familiar with both), and damn it feels and sounds so good, I'm loving playing in a way I haven't in....

I'm just scratching the surface, using single-amp, simple chain patches (GTE-DRV-AMP-GEQ/PEQ-CAB-REV). I don't have USB hooked up yet, but will soon to post patch files along with some patch recordings for those who might be interested.

PS: the fan is very quiet. I'm surpised the case isn't vented.
I've had my Fractal fever for almost two years now, with no cure in sight. I am regularly motivated to a silly looking ear to ear grin by the sounds I get and the patches shared by others. It's a fun ride!
I ordered mine yesterday so I am very interested in what you've said. They told me under 30 days (rough estimate) about a week ago, hope they're right! I'm sure it's worth the wait regardless.
I ordered mine yesterday so I am very interested in what you've said. They told me under 30 days (rough estimate) about a week ago, hope they're right! I'm sure it's worth the wait regardless.

It is. I could've bought one off ebay, but I wanted it straight from the shop.

I have some questions (in order of importance) that I can't find anywhere.

1. I installed the USB drivers and Axe-Edit. I can record via USB (and it sounds great!). I don't see/is there a way to monitor the USB-input sound via my PC-connected speakers?

2. I'm picking a patch somewhat at random and re-doing it from the ground up how I want it. I have some groups, based on amplifier. From both the panel and Axe-Edit, how do I set a patch I'm done with back to stock?

3. how do I rename patches from the front plate?
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there is a gate on every patch already that uses input 1. press layout then page right 2x to INPUT/GATE. then you don't need to use the gate block. you can save the input gate per patch as well.

using the USB, the speakers need to be connected to the axe as it becomes the soundcard. there is an advanced way of creating an "aggregate device" and there are tons of threads here on that.

you don't really put patches back to stock, and don't really need to. the presets are just a starting point.

to rename a patch, hit the store button once, then arrow down to the bottom line to change all the letters.

i HIGHLY suggest you learn the front panel inside and out and don't rely on axe edit.
there is a gate on every patch already that uses input 1. press layout then page right 2x to INPUT/GATE. then you don't need to use the gate block. you can save the input gate per patch as well.

I was just messing around with this, and was going to ask whether there was a perceived difference? I couldn't really tell.

using the USB, the speakers need to be connected to the axe as it becomes the soundcard.

That's what I figured, but wanted to be sure.

you don't really put patches back to stock, and don't really need to. the presets are just a starting point.

Yeah, I just decided to name them 'null' until I do something else with them.

to rename a patch, hit the store button once, then arrow down to the bottom line to change all the letters.

Ahem. That was easy.

i HIGHLY suggest you learn the front panel inside and out and don't rely on axe edit.

Before I even took the Axe out of the box, I went through the manual a bit. The first two days were solely from the front panel, and I have it down pretty good.

However, I think I figured out what some issues with Axe-Edit may be: I was copying and pasting REV to other patches, and found it wasn't saving. Say what?? I noticed the 'edited' light on the panel blinking several times when I made an effect change. Saving takes a fraction of a second, but you have to wait till the changes are effected (the light stops blinking - about ten times) before doing so. Something similar happens when changing presets via Axe-Edit - if 'scrolling' kind of slowly, sometimes it jumps back to the last one it almost got loaded.

Also, I'm a little surprised changing patches on the Axe doesn't update Axe-Edit, as does the reverse.
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When renaming from the front panel - try using the A B C D knobs - they offer upper case lower case and numbers directly and make the process quite easy and efficient.
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When renaming from the front panel - try using the A B C D knobs - they offer upper case lower case and numbers directly and make the process quiet easy and efficient.

Sorry to threadjack, but is there a quick way to put a blank character / space?
Oh, and by the way. Although I personally was tubed from birth, I don't want to judge. Hey, what ever floats your boat....
Welcome to the forum all the same...
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