Helix effects vs FX8 effects , Internet Review

I just traded all of my effects pedals for a TC Electronics G System last week, still waiting on it to show up. It has taken me a few days to learn a few tunes, older Van Halen, Ozzy stuff. But during that time I was only missing the ability to change my channels & effects at the same time on my amps. A Rhodes Colossus & a Friedman BE-100. I looked up programming on the G System and it sounded like at the end it would sound fine but would take a long long long long time to get there. I pulled the plug tonight & bought a used/new condition FX8. The reason I did this was that the Helix has been out long enough that there should be some useful review on the quality of effects but it took me forever to find out that . It sounds like the effects are barely a step up from the Pod stuff. The only thing I want is an effects unit that can add some effects and change channels with one step. There were other options , the Boss ES-8 looked cool. But, I just want simple and to the point. So Im wondering
1. Is the Helix an overrated Lemon like every other Line 6 product ever created.(effects wise not sims)
2. Has anyone ran the FX8 with a Rhodes Colossus or Friedman BE-100 & how compatible was it.
3, Should I buy Humbuster cables now or wait???

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1. Not sure, but all signs point to yes
2. People on this forum have used the Friedman with great success
3. I have avoided all spoilers and press for Star Wars, so leave it in another forum
4. Wait. Build your own. You may want to tack extra stuff in different places (ISP Decimator 2 G-String, Eventide Space). They are very easy to make, and the diagram is in the manual. My 2 purchased Humbuster cables are currently un-used in my rig.
1. Not sure, but all signs point to yes
2. People on this forum have used the Friedman with great success
3. I have avoided all spoilers and press for Star Wars, so leave it in another forum
4. Wait. Build your own. You may want to tack extra stuff in different places (ISP Decimator 2 G-String, Eventide Space). They are very easy to make, and the diagram is in the manual. My 2 purchased Humbuster cables are currently un-used in my rig.
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You made he right decision on the FX8 over the G System. I have both and the G System is a very noisy beast to get under control - the FX8 is as quiet as a mouse in comparison.

The FX8 effects are also superior to the G System with updates to the firmware coming "soon". The G hadn't had an update since 2010.
1. The Helix is a lot better than the old Line 6 stuff, but it's nowhere near as good as the FX8 - which is the best multifx on the market by miles. Plus if you don't need amp modelling it's not really worth considering.

2. Yes

3. What Brad said ^^
I know you must have something better to do, you must.

Competitors are going to be discussed it's a forum that's what we do. We compare yours to ours.
If you don't like how forums work, move on.
the only time he posts is when it concerns L6.
That's a blatant lie.

Mate, you can't ignore that the L6 slant is pretty apparent in the majority of your posts... With that said, there's nothing wrong with that because we all enjoy an element of competition. But others are correct, as long as the discussions are civil, why not compare the devices or product offerings in such a place. Trying to be helpful dude, not bashing at all.

Quick reminder also though, you have to outline your product affiliations if you do represent anything via Line 6 product channels. Please see here

Back to the original discussion, I would imagine that the FX8 would sound stellar with a Friedman BE-100. Not sure if anyone has posted any clips about it, but you could check out Pete Thorn's FX8 tutorial for something similar.

This is the Fractal forum. Most people here prefer Fractal products. This should come as no surprise.

It doesn't. I expect it. But there's a lot of unnecessary, and some undeserved, bashing. It gets old with me. If I thought the Helix was the be all end all, I wouldn't be buying an AX8. But this is what is ridiculous to me:

"1. Is the Helix an overrated Lemon like every other Line 6 product ever created.(effects wise not sims)"
"1. Not sure, but all signs point to yes"
"1. The Helix is a lot better than the old Line 6 stuff, but it's nowhere near as good as the FX8 - which is the best multifx on the market by miles. Plus if you don't need amp modeling it's not really worth considering."

Now the third statement may have some merit, but I don't know how he drew his conclusions. And I, for one, disagree with his opinions that the FX8 is better "by miles" and that if you don't need amp modeling "it's not really worth considering." That last part is also a strange statement because why would it be worth considering if you need amp modeling when we have the AX8?

The thing is, fair comparisons are cool. The constant bashing and trashing another product when many do the bashing haven't even tried it themselves diminishes the credibility of the posters when it comes to the FAS products.

That's my bottom line. Yours may differ.

A little objectivity goes a long way.
I have a strong suspicion, that they the competitors are probably happy that they are being compared at all to a Fractal product. Fractal is in another league, Fractal makes no apologies for striving for the best.

I don't disagree with this at all. But it's interesting to see people asking for features in the AX8 that are in the Helix. Doesn't mean the Helix is better, just that the AX8 isn't perfect either.
Mate, you can't ignore that the L6 slant is pretty apparent in the majority of your posts... With that said, there's nothing wrong with that because we all enjoy an element of competition. But others are correct, as long as the discussions are civil, why not compare the devices or product offerings in such a place. Trying to be helpful dude, not bashing at all.

Quick reminder also though, you have to outline your product affiliations if you do represent anything via Line 6 product channels. Please see here

Back to the original discussion, I would imagine that the FX8 would sound stellar with a Friedman BE-100. Not sure if anyone has posted any clips about it, but you could check out Pete Thorn's FX8 tutorial for something similar.

If by "Line 6 slant" you mean that I'm biased in favor of the Line 6 product, I'd disagree. It seems that any attempt to present accurate information in response to baseless or inaccurate information is seen as being a fanboi for Line 6. I only seek objectivity. But that's really irrelevant to the post you quoted which was "the only time he posts is when it concerns L6" which is blatantly false.

And just because I see merit in other products does not mean I have any affiliation with Line 6. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I have no affiliation whatsoever with Line 6 other than owning a couple of their products that I paid for. It's amazing how quickly people here jump to the conclusion that people who say good things or correct inaccurate information about a competing product must be affiliated with that company.

As for the FX8 with a Friedman, look on YouTube for Larry Mitchell's early demo of the FX8 with a Friedman. It's freaking amazing.
I don't disagree with this at all. But it's interesting to see people asking for features in the AX8 that are in the Helix. Doesn't mean the Helix is better, just that the AX8 isn't perfect either.
What are they asking for? I'm just curious. I think you own a AX8 now, correct. What do you see that is lacking? I don't think you will find anyone who actually physically owns one, be complaining about much.

Here's my latest photo. Not much missing here.

What are they asking for? I'm just curious. I think you own a AX8 now, correct. What do you see that is lacking? I don't think you will find anyone who actually physically owns one, be complaining about much.

Here's my latest photo. Not much missing here.

View attachment 29055

My AX8 will be here tomorrow.

Off the top of my head there were some requests for the display, the option to make the footswitches either momentary or latching, ... I didn't keep a list. Maybe a specific routing ability too.

One thing I'll miss, other than the scribble strips, is the option to have 10 footswitches while maintaining all the function switches. BUT, admittedly that's more useful if you aren't using scenes. I think the AX8 may make scenes necessary which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Just different.
It doesn't. I expect it. But there's a lot of unnecessary, and some undeserved, bashing. It gets old with me. If I thought the Helix was the be all end all, I wouldn't be buying an AX8. But this is what is ridiculous to me:

"1. Is the Helix an overrated Lemon like every other Line 6 product ever created.(effects wise not sims)"
"1. Not sure, but all signs point to yes"
"1. The Helix is a lot better than the old Line 6 stuff, but it's nowhere near as good as the FX8 - which is the best multifx on the market by miles. Plus if you don't need amp modeling it's not really worth considering."

Now the third statement may have some merit, but I don't know how he drew his conclusions. And I, for one, disagree with his opinions that the FX8 is better "by miles" and that if you don't need amp modeling "it's not really worth considering." That last part is also a strange statement because why would it be worth considering if you need amp modeling when we have the AX8?

The thing is, fair comparisons are cool. The constant bashing and trashing another product when many do the bashing haven't even tried it themselves diminishes the credibility of the posters when it comes to the FAS products.

That's my bottom line. Yours may differ.

A little objectivity goes a long way.

I can tell you how I drew my conclusions:

- I spent months on the TGP Helix thread and have listened to probably 20 demos of it including the multi hour multi part Chad Boston demos.
- I have been in bands with guitarists with L6 fx gear for years
- I have used some random L6 gear over the years
- I have owned a pod and a bass pod
- I have read direct comparisons made by people that like the Helix
- I have read direct comparisons by people that dislike the Helix
- I have a Helix preordered
- I own an FX8
- I own other high end fx pedals and have worked professionally as a musicians and a producer


So that's who I am and my experience.

I think the Helix is a massive leap forward for L6 BUT I wouldn't dream of trading my FX8 for one... but I may find it a cool tool for recording and may even mash it up with my FX8.

Hope that's clear. ☺
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I think there's s difference between disliking a product and hating a product. Some people don't like how certain products sound in comparison to others. What really matters is how things sound to you.

I would find it difficult to recommend a Helix to anyone considering something from Fractal. That's my personal experience.
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