Having trouble making high gain patch.


I can't seem to make a patch that sounds anything remotely what I have heard others do with their Axe 2's. I know it takes time to navigate all these cool features, and all the tweaking that comes with it. But I often tweak whatever decent tone I get into a big mess. I hear Animals as Leaders, Jeff Loomis, Born of Osiris, Periphery, etc., all get killer tones out of this thing, and even direct for recording, and it's driving me crazy. My palm muting sounds really muddy and it sounds terrible. Most everything else sounds ok... The highs when playing lead break up terribly as well. Whenever I download patches people put up that I hear, when I play them on my Axe they NEVER sound the same. Does anyone have any hints, or have gone through the same thing and have some answers? When I play with some nice studio headphones, it all sounds like muffled muddy garbage, no matter what I do, but when I play without, I use a Peavey 6505+ thats been bias modded, through a Mesa 4x12 cab, with Cab sims off, and it's a lot better, but the palm muting is still muddy as all hell. If someone knows what to do, please share, and thank you in advance.
I have a boost pedal in almost 100% of my high gain sounds. I always do the typical boost thing and drop the gain and boost the level. It adds the definition you are lacking right now. I use the 808 mod and occasionally the RAT pedal. Trust me, put this in the line and you'll be happy.

Be sure to add some bass or low end you lose with the pedal in line and also drop your amp gain so you don't get a ton of squeals, etc.
are you going into the Peavey through the instrument input or through the effects loop return?
I have the TS808 mod going in with gain dropped to nothing, and level all the way up. I have always done my actual rig this way. Same with Axe Fx.

And I am going through the FX loop return.
I had the exact same issue using a 4x12 Randall cab. The big thing that helped fix it was yek's recommendation "Increase the Low Cut in the Amp block". Edit your amp block and find that setting in the advanced page. Increase the value of it until the flub is gone. It will tighten up the chugs a great deal. This made all the difference in the world for me. I don't find the built in presets translate well to a real 4x12 cab.

You can also use the high cut to kill off some of the high end icepick.
Worked out great! I am still having trouble with the cab sims though. When I record direct, or play through headphones, it just sounds terrible.
Hey... I have alot of the same issues your talking about...

Almost sounds like the tone knob on your guitar is turned to 0??

Also try to lower your gain/drive and add the boost in the amp block if it's available. Then add the gain/drive gently. If it's still missing a lil bit of the gnarly attack, then start adding some input trim. Tamerz is right on with the low cut. I start by maxing the low cut out and then slowly add it because you can start to hear it add body to the overall sound. It's weird for me in that I can hear it better as it's being added as opposed to having it taken away gradually. I guess my ear gets spoiled at first from the low end at first... It still adds some odd mid frequencies which I haven't figured out how to cut yet but it's a hell of a start.
try something like this:

boost on
saturation on
bright on
drive 3.5 to 5.0 but not more
input trim 1.0

these settings will give a lot of gain so you need to compensate by having lower values of master volume
the tonal impact of master volume varies between different amp types [2.5 to 4 but no higher than 5.. my settings are usually between 3 and 4]

remember that the amp tone controls give more drive in their specific frequency ranges so go easy on the bass [put that back last on the eq page]
get plenty of mids and treble in [values higher than 5]
presence you can fry up to taste [I like a lot of this and then calm it in the eq page]
depth is the very low stuff and the amounts needed vary greatly from amp to amp [I like settings between 3 and 5]

find the cab that has the general tone you like and pull the high cut back to around 7k to 8k to strip out the very top end fizz

then go back to the amp block and go to the eq page and eq to taste..
try something like this:
63 - boost by 2 to 4
125 - boost 3 to 6
250 - boost 2 to 4
500 - cut -1 to -3
1k, 2k and 4k leave at 0
8k - cut -3 to -6

to get a bigger tone try a stereo cab
pan one hard left and the other hard right
choose cabs that are similar but not exactly the same
to smooth up and spread the tone go to the room page and try something like this:
room level 30 to 45
room size 2 to 4
mic spacing 50
leave the air controls at their defaults

EDIT: your gate on the input should be able to cope with settings like
thresh -80 to -70
ratio 2 to 3.5
attack 10
release 20 to 100

if the red clip light comes on drop the amps level by a few dB [-3 to -6]
if it still comes on try dropping the cab's level similarly
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