Hardwood Rack Case


We`ve got an ampfest down here in Sydney this weekend, i`m flying across from Perth which is a good 4hr flight, i`ve been running around trying to finish this rack case off in time so i can display the AxeFx there.

I`ve spent the last few nights dialing in the Axe at volume trying to replicate the sounds of my other tube amps, namely a 1987 clone that sounds pretty amazing and a dead on TW express clone.

Well i`m extremely happy with how the AxeFx SLA-1 Rig stands up to these amps, it took a lot of listening/ playing and dialing in but i`m hoping it`ll go down well at the ampfest. I`ve been running this through a Hardwood 2x12.

Anyway fingers crossed this rig will create some interest down here, i`ll report back after the weekend with an update of how it all went, wish me luck :mrgreen:




Here`s the cab i`ll be runing it through, finally settled on a heritage G12H30 and a Scumback M-75HP
That is just freaking gorgeous, Brad. I love the fingerjointing on the head cab. Super nice!
What case are you going to put that case in? :D :D :D :D

Love the dovetail joints. Extremely beautiful case.
Hey thanks for the cudos everyone ;)

This is pretty much my first venture out with the AxeFx so it`ll be interesting how it stacks up in a room full of some of the better amps down under here.
I`ve got a laminated brief rundown of the Axe that i`ll have alongside it, just to give guys the oppotuity to tweak a little themselves. LOL, i`ve got these presets backed up on the laptop and in the non volatile flash memory.

No doubt i`ll be restoring them a few times throughout the day :mrgreen:

The cab is in transit en route to Sydney but i`ll get some pics once it`s all together.
wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me


Very nice indeed!
hunter said:
wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me wood gives me


Very nice indeed!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

No doubt :!: :!: :!:

I usually don't like wood for stuff like this...but wow...that Axe looks sexy in there!
Nicely done. I may have to try my hand at something along those lines someday, just for fun.
What wood did you use? Looks schweet!
Good luck with the show; sounds like a blast.
The ampfest was a total blast :D

Some great gear there, the highlight definately being Aussie legend Dave Leslie ripping it up on a couple of full stack SLP`s linked together, geez that guy can play!!!

The AxeFx more than held it`s own thats for sure, i had a few guys come up after the show was all wound up and tell me they though it sounded better than or as good as the better tube amps in the room. I only really demo`d the Plexi and Vox patches, as i really spent a lot of time dialing those 2 in to sound as good as possible.

It`s tough for me to be totally objective as i wanted the AxeFx to sound good, but if i`m able to stay impartial for a minute i`d say it sounds as good as any great tube amp. With the option of fine tuning it to do things that some great tube amps cant do.

Anyway some pics


api4u said:
Nicely done. I may have to try my hand at something along those lines someday, just for fun.
What wood did you use? Looks schweet!
Good luck with the show; sounds like a blast.

Cheers mate,

The wood on the rack case is called Jarrah, it`s a native Australian Hardwood, our dessert climate produces some quite unique hardwoods over this way.
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