Hardwood Rack Case

BradMc said:
The ampfest was a total blast :D

Some great gear there, the highlight definately being Aussie legend Dave Leslie ripping it up on a couple of full stack SLP`s linked together, geez that guy can play!!!

The AxeFx more than held it`s own thats for sure, i had a few guys come up after the show was all wound up and tell me they though it sounded better than or as good as the better tube amps in the room. I only really demo`d the Plexi and Vox patches, as i really spent a lot of time dialing those 2 in to sound as good as possible.

It`s tough for me to be totally objective as i wanted the AxeFx to sound good, but if i`m able to stay impartial for a minute i`d say it sounds as good as any great tube amp. With the option of fine tuning it to do things that some great tube amps cant do.
Hey Brad, how did the SLA1 keep up volume wise? I have the SLA2, but I haven't needed to open 'er right up yet.

Hey Brad, how did the SLA1 keep up volume wise? I have the SLA2, but I haven't needed to open 'er right up yet.[/quote]

G`day Steve,

The SLA-1 is quite suprisingly loud, i run in in Bridged Mono mode which is around 280 or 260watts, usually leave the volume on the sla-1 on full and run the axefx volume 1 on 2 o clock. It`s pretty close in volume to the 50 watt plexi.
BradMc said:
The SLA-1 is quite suprisingly loud, i run in in Bridged Mono mode which is around 280 or 260watts, usually leave the volume on the sla-1 on full and run the axefx volume 1 on 2 o clock. It`s pretty close in volume to the 50 watt plexi.

Cool. I haven't bridged mine yet - 2 2x12 cabs in stereo. So...your cab wouldn't be rated that high would it? Is there a risk of frying the speakers?
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