Happy new Star Wars day!

I really liked the movie. I liked that it was unpredictable, but there were some weird things in it.

They called it the "Jedi religion". It was never a religion before, and now all of a sudden it has ancient books too? Then they say the jedi religion must, and when was the last time you read those books anyway. It just seems like they were really trying to inject a message about letting old religions die.
I really liked the movie. I liked that it was unpredictable, but there were some weird things in it.

They called it the "Jedi religion". It was never a religion before, and now all of a sudden it has ancient books too? Then they say the jedi religion must, and when was the last time you read those books anyway. It just seems like they were really trying to inject a message about letting old religions die.
They've referred to it as a religion going back to Episode IV in 1977. Further if you go back into canon novels and games, the orders of Jedi and Sith go back millenia. The storyline inside Star Wars: The Old Republic occurs some 3,600 years BBY and Knights of the Old Republic 300 years BBY before that.
EJ seriously bro what are you doing in a Star Wars thread if you haven't seen the flick yet?
I'm a bit of a sadist I guess. LOL We're not even going to see it until late next week since we're leaving for CO this Saturday, and there aren't any theaters around the 11,000 foot elevation where we'll be. =)
I caught it in 3D IMAX yesterday, I think regular IMAX would be preferable, but we should probably be envious of folks like @Geezerjohn , where resides one of only 7 70MM IMAX screens in the US, in his hometown of Foat Wuth. TX...the loss of the widespread use of 70 MM and Cinerama formats of the late 60s-80s was a blow to the industry, IMO.
I enjoyed it, but largely just because its star wars I think. I sort of feel like it was a really bad, good movie. It had some great parts (eg snoke scene, hyperspace bit), but half of the plot was pointless and unnecessary. Finn & Poe's storylines shouldn't even have been in it IMO. It also had the worst character ever to appear in Star Wars (holdo), even more painful to watch than Jar Jar! What was wrong with admiral "it's a trap!"??

The only good characters in the movie are luke and kylo. Rey is okay and actually gets things done, but she lacks depth compared to the other two, and has no real character flaws to make her interesting. Can you imagine Rey being tempted by the dark side? Nope!

The ironing board scene was amazing.

It gave off a lot of political vibes. This wasn't subtle and seemed forced, which was distracting from the actual story. There was also an over abundance of stupid motivational happy feelings speeches.

The ending didn't make sense. It wasn't terrible, but wtf?

I'll still go and see it again :)
I'm a bit of a sadist I guess. LOL We're not even going to see it until late next week since we're leaving for CO this Saturday, and there aren't any theaters around the 11,000 foot elevation where we'll be. =)

Leadville for Christmas?
I found it pretty disappointing. It's not prequels bad, and I liked a lot of the performances and the visuals. But it just wasn't special - just another CGI-heavy blockbuster with too many characters, too many subplots, and a buttload of script logic problems that really distracted me from their intended theme.

Also, anybody who thought not having J.J. Abrams direct would make it less derivative sure was wrong - several scenes were lifted from Empire and Return of the Jedi nearly shot for shot!
I find it funny when Leia using the force to protect herself in space bothers people. The force was with her :)

I think it was more the execution of the scene that's bothering some. It just looked silly, like Mary Poppins in space. It could have been done much better.

Anyway, saw it Thursday night at 6:00pm, for the "Fan Event" showing (at $25.00 a ticket, this so called "Fan Event" was pretty much a rip-off, even if it was for Star Wars, but I digress.......). Honestly, I didn't love it and wasn't sure what to think about it, or how I felt. It seemed very uneven. There were a lot of things I had a problem with (like the "space Leia" scene), or just plain didn't like (like all of the Canto Bight scenes, which didn't feel like Star Wars at all and tonally didn't really fit with the rest of the movie), while other things I absolutely loved (Luke, Rey, Kylo, & Snoke's story lines, the space battles, everything on Crait, most of the humor).

I saw it again this past Monday and enjoyed it much more. The stuff I liked the first time, I loved even more. And most of the stuff I didn't like, or had a problem with (like "space Leia"), didn't seem as bad as it did on first viewing (though I still think the Canto Bight stuff is an unnecessary waste of screen time).

I plan to see it at least 2 more times while it's in theaters.
I was pretty disappointed with TFA, but was holding out hope that TLJ would offer some resolution or redemption...It didn't.

I think that because so many of us have been so invested into the original trilogy and characters, that we are predisposed to "want" to like these films. If you were to judge it on it's own merits as a film it would not fair well, (writing and acting alone). But now days it's about product cycle, merchandising("let's introduce a bunch off new animals that are not relevant to the story but think how many we will sell!") and ROI...quality of content is an afterthought, if a consideration at all. But hey, from a business standpoint it's self fulfilling and works great, they've built a nearly perfect machine...same with Marvel.

Just realized I sound like Roger Waters explaining a song idea to Roy Harper.
TLJ is a mixed bag for me, I liked it much, much better then TFA, but there is a great deal that I disliked about it.

The overriding thought I have after seeing the last two movies is that there is no real cohesive vision at all for any of it; different directors, writers, etc. have made for a patchy, disjointed story that doesn't flow a whole lot. Star Wars seriously is missing a singular vision to connect the movies and hold them together. It feels like a corporate free-for-all now; it's all over the place...a ship without a rudder and too many Captains at the helm. Say what you may about the prequels, but all three tied together much, much better as far as the stories they told, the characters, how things unfolded, etc.

I liked how Luke 'transcended' the Jedi Order in TLJ, put it all behind him to 'reset' everything, and, like a true master, became someone who was greater then the order he came from...advances things, gives 'new light'.

Luke has faced several overwhelming events that have tested his true conviction throughout; at the end of the day, when the chips are down, he does go to the light side and does the right thing (and uses/creates/discovers new Force powers). All of that, for me, makes him the ultimate Jedi, who sparks an entire new evolution in what The Force is/means, and what it can do. He created The Force 2.0. and blazed the trail...

Whatever failings I may have with TLJ, it cements Luke's place (for me anyway lol), as the greatest Jedi ever, a true pioneer, and I'm actually glad he will be the last. He goes out totally on top, and ends my 40 year association with him, and the Jedi, in a noble, worthy, and satisfying way...

Even Yoda approves of the Jedi retirement...and you cannot argue with Yoda :cool: Was so cool to see Yoda again. Tire never of seeing him, I am...
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