Wish Gurus Echosex

really, as someone who owns the unit, you're perfectly placed to reproduce it, as you can easily A/B back and forth and get something that's really close. you can then share it with the group! otherwise, maybe link to a really good demo so we can hear it?
really, as someone who owns the unit, you're perfectly placed to reproduce it, as you can easily A/B back and forth and get something that's really close. you can then share it with the group! otherwise, maybe link to a really good demo so we can hear it?
The delays in the Axe FX don't have an "Age of Damage" control like the Echosex so I think this would be difficult to replicate without using a combination of blocks.
listening to a couple of demos on youtube, i have to says it's nothing amazingly special. the axe can cop that sound easy. @bread if you can record an example, it would be really helpful to have you do one single clean staccato chord with the delay level up full and time up as high as it will go without self oscillating and put the tone control and the age of damage right where you like them. then do another with the age of damage up full and the tone up full, so we can hear what the lfo is like.
listening to a couple of demos on youtube, i have to says it's nothing amazingly special. the axe can cop that sound easy. @bread if you can record an example, it would be really helpful to have you do one single clean staccato chord with the delay level up full and time up as high as it will go without self oscillating and put the tone control and the age of damage right where you like them. then do another with the age of damage up full and the tone up full, so we can hear what the lfo is like.
This gets pretty close. I use the LFO to generate the "Age of Damage" wobble.

I used the Buddha Duomaster factory preset as the basis which is worth a mention in its own right. It's glorious with a telecaster.


  • Echosex.syx
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nice, thank you. the only thing i might say is that on one demo i heard, it was fairly obvious that the lfo controlling the damage mod was random, rather than sin, but it's so subtle it really won't make much difference.
nice, thank you. the only thing i might say is that on one demo i heard, it was fairly obvious that the lfo controlling the damage mod was random, rather than sin, but it's so subtle it really won't make much difference.

Thats a good point Simeon I should have used random instead.

Thanks for the feedback
I'm still hoping for an updated FX8 with 3rd Gen effects.

Based on my experience with the amazing Axe FX III, I can't imagine not being able to get very close to nearly any pedal out there. Leon Todd's Volantish block proved that to me.
I was waiting for an updated Fx8but jumped in and bought an FM9 instead, it gets used as an fx unit in 4cm and as an interface and standalone modeller, incredibly flexible bit of kit
AFAIK the AX8 and FX8 were not built by Cliff, but by an engineer that left Fractal before finalizing the last firmwares. It is left with a couple of bugs. Cliff stated a couple of times that he'd been working on the AX8 but it hasn't led anywhere. If even he can't get his head around it, hope of updates to this platform are close to zero. They have to be enjoyed for the still great but no longer cutting edge units they are.

If you want, get a newer model that includes free amp modeling.
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