Guitar cables. What's your flavor?

The price shown on the link is only base price, then you have to add length of cable to get the total price (in case you missed that)
I bought my mogami cables from REDCO Redco Audio - Audio/Video Supplies and Accessories, Custom Cables and Panels, and more
on recommendation from forum friend Lawrence LDP, rock solid

I'm from Italy and I buyed several yesrs ago from RedCo , a lot of Mogami and Neutrik connectors ... Even with the EU taxes was a really good deal !
Rock solid , very clear , wired up 2 big racks with all analog switching systems etc .

Never touched a single cable in almost 4/5 years

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If your guitar is loaded with passive pickups, then there are a lot of good quality cables available, just watch out for the premade industry snake oil if you don't roll your own.

Sommer, Mogami, Klotz are well known good cables that can be bought bulk, but there are dozens.

The tonal difference (past the interference shielding, handling noise, flexibility) is in how the total cable and connector capacitance forms a tuned circuit with the high impedance inductive pickups, forming a second order low pass filter and how that relates also to each pickups resonant peak frequency.

Listening blind I would challenge anyone to tell the difference between any guitar cable combo of the same total capacitance.

I researched the bulk cable market and have the capacitances for dozens of cables by different manufacturers listed here which should be of interest to anyone going down the DIY cable route, or even looking for premades Guitar Cable Capacitance Chart ? Comparison of pF Ratings by SHOOTOUT! Guitar Cables UK

If buying bulk you could roll up several cables (same cable but differing length) to see what fits best with your own tonal preference.

Hope that helps.


In addition to the 20' Lava Retro Coil I use a 6' Mogami Platinum Cable. Of course the six footer can only be used when I am sitting down playing at the desk. I also use the 20' foot cable when sitting at the desk. They each have their unique qualities and purpose.
I've been using the same 10 year old cable because it sounds better than anything else I've bought....but I've been meaning to buy some of these:

Bill Lawrence Website

And read the article that Bill wrote; it's worth a few minutes of your time IMHO. :)
For me either Canare GS6 or Mogami 2524.
Some of my Canare's are 30 years old with no sign of rot in the outer casings.
Have used assorted ends through the years with both.

I use Death Valley cables for recordings.
Very good cables at a very good price.
Never had a prob with them in years.
In this company I'm clearly a cheapskate, as I'm still using a Klotz cable I must have bought around 25+ years ago. Still in perfect condition (though rather grubby of course), despite heavy use, and no pops or crackles. Amazing.
The price shown on the link is only base price, then you have to add length of cable to get the total price (in case you missed that)
I bought my mogami cables from REDCO Redco Audio - Audio/Video Supplies and Accessories, Custom Cables and Panels, and more
on recommendation from forum friend Lawrence LDP, rock solid
Thanks for the nod MrG :) Yes Mogami and Redco all the way. No handling noise, superior jack ends and high quality copper. My original Mogami 25' I purchased used six years ago and it's still going strong.
Thanks for the nod MrG :) Yes Mogami and Redco all the way. No handling noise, superior jack ends and high quality copper. My original Mogami 25' I purchased used six years ago and it's still going strong.

Maaan. thanks for your help and recommendation. Awesome cables, and they are way "thinner" than I expected them to be and dead quiet. brutally brilliant. A friend of mine over here bought so called high end cable... paid more, shorter and its fat as a snake... jeeehuuuzzuuussss..
If you can, try Vovox. It is as transparent as possible and from my tests it had 10dB better S/N than the best of other dozen cables I tested.
If you are not looking for a neutral cable that might not be the best for you, my bassist prefers Elixir cables over anything else.
I've been using Canare GS-6 for guitar. Had Switchcraft 280 plugs on them for 18 years and switched them out for Neutrik, with one end being a shorting plug. Mic cables are usually Canare or
maybe some Belden Brilliance.
Been rolling my own with Canare, Mogami and Rapco Roadhog bulk cable for years. Switchcraft or Neutrik plugs depending on what I'm after. The ability to make custom lengths is totally worth it. Build yer own. Once you get the hang of it, you'll never look back.
You can try these: Cable and Plugs

No soldering required. I have some and it works great. Super low capacitance. Great price too.

Created by Bill Lawrence. I was in his shop back and he told me stories like no other. I told him about George L's and he got mad and said that he stole the idea from him. Bill is awesome. RIP.
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