got my sound back..the cause?


well i had another post about a weird sound coming from the low strings on my guitar,,,muddy,bassy,,busted speaker sound... anyway..went to practice last night,got home and unpacked my gear...just plugged it up a little while ago and bam !! axe had no power...well i went straight to the back of the axe and checked for loose power connections and there it was..the power cable was hooked up but had wiggled out just a little...i plugged it back in tight and cleaned out my boxers, and hit the power switch and it powered up...but to my surprise it sounded awesome again..crunchy,clarity..thick..and that screwed up sound was gone...could this have been causing my problem the entire time?..loose power connection?...if so i hope it didnt cause any permanent damage...
I don't mind me,,,,asking...but.....what's up with,,,the................punctuation?....

Beefcake said:
I don't mind me,,,,asking...but.....what's up with,,,the................punctuation?....


Hey! It's William Shatner!
what ever the case im glad it sounds better :lol:
beefcake, thanks for your very helpful post i dont know what i would do without your expertise :cool: :cool:
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