Good starting place for tone matching


Fractal Fanatic
If you go to YouTube and do a search for "rig rundown" you will be able to find the exact equipment that many well known guitarists use, and many times even the setting for their amps and effects. Set up a preset that is as close as you can get to what you are trying to duplicate, then do the tone match.

Guitar instructional DVDs often have many parts with guitar only. For instance the Eric Johnson DVDs would be a great place to get isolated tracks of his you could tone match.

I had pretty good success with my first tone match, but it will take some trial and error to figure it all out. This is a great new feature.
We can all learn from each other how to get the most out of it.
Database w/ high quality sounds (tone matches)

IMHO a database with high quality recordings of _all_ amps should be build. Select a patch, load it to the Axe-FX II and start tweaking. I think the Axe-Fx wiki should be the right place to deposit these files.

Any ideas?

IMHO a database with high quality recordings of _all_ amps should be build. Select a patch, load it to the Axe-FX II and start tweaking. I think the Axe-Fx wiki should be the right place to deposit these files.

Any ideas?


Both an good idea as an bad idea IMHO. Regarding database: I agree. A good and inspiring idea IMHO.

So why do I consider it an "bad" idea as well?

Copyright issues. How do we/anyone know that the recordings are made by, or belongs to, those who upload these files?
Many may consider it being a non-issue, or may not even care. But anyone running a website that would depositing these files, should be aware that it might end up unpleasant.

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