Going after the Thermae Sound...


Has anyone had luck with trying to replicate what the Chase Bliss Thermae pedal does with delays/pitch shifting? I'm after the sounds that start around 27 mins in to the video below

I'm sure the axe 3 has a way to get there, but I'm at a loss for a starting point. Looking for any weirder/zanier tips using what's in the box and trying to stop myself from just going out and grabbing the pedal!

pitch block arpeggiator?

maybe delay in parallel row set to 100% mix, then pitch block after it, then connect back to main row.

Hopefully I did the soundcloud embed thing correctly.. Starting with your suggestion got me a surprising amount of the way there! The Thermae pedal has a fair amount of randomness to it and the pitch block stays fairly predictable (which is not a bad thing depending on the situation). Is there a way to randomize the arpeggios going on so it doesn't just loop itself? I'm thinking maybe with a modifier?

Hopefully I did the soundcloud embed thing correctly.. Starting with your suggestion got me a surprising amount of the way there! The Thermae pedal has a fair amount of randomness to it and the pitch block stays fairly predictable (which is not a bad thing depending on the situation). Is there a way to randomize the arpeggios going on so it doesn't just loop itself? I'm thinking maybe with a modifier?

maybe instead of the arpeggiator type in the pitch block, use a Harmony type and attached a LFO set to Random to the Pitch parameter?
Try making the sequencer control a mono tape delay's motor speed. That should pretty much cover the sounds around 27:00. I didn't notice any randomness there, but apparent randomness could happen when you start playing at a random spot in the sequence.

Start with a 4-step pattern of 50-100-50-0 and adjust the modifier's start/mid/end to set speed ratios (intervals). Default 0/50/100 would be like +1 and -1 on the pedal's shift controls. (Unlike the pedal you're limited to a total range of 2 octaves, but you could shift more than an octave in one direction by shifting a lesser amount in the other direction.)
As @Bakerman said, sounds like tape delay speed manipulation. You could try attach an expression pedal to the motor speed for some manual fun too.
This effect is pretty glorious and I definitely wouldn't have thought of going this route without these suggestions!

I tried @Bakerman's suggestion with the motor speed sequencer and set Head 1 Tempo to 1. I brought down the offset to -75 because I preferred how it darkened up when doing so (not necessarily making it better, just different) and set the mix of the block to 17%.

From there I wanted to send it into a more traditional delay so I added another delay block after it.

From there I split the signal into two amp rigs and applied the pitch block @chris suggested (still have to try the LFO/Harmony option). That block is only going into one of the amps

Here's where I'm at:
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