Goes from zero dB to clipping instantly


Have an axe fx 2 xl into line in on m audio 2x2m currently I think I’m using unbalanced trs from speakers to audio interface. Jbl lsr 305 mk1 speakers

My problem is even with I/o set to 0-dB gain the axe fx doesn’t even go into range clip but one hard strum from my guitar goes from soft to complete scratching and clipping my speakers(not the axe fx it remains green clip led) I’m afraid this will damage my speaker all I’ve found to do is lower my amp volume in axe edit to like -30db this seems like an issue because there is very little dynamic range from not being heard to rattle my speakers. Could it be because I’m using unbalanced cables from my interface to speakers or cause my speakers are only five inches? Idk.
TRS cables are balanced. TS cables (instrument cables) are unbalanced. Most monitors I've seen use either TS or XLR, not TRS.

What does this mean?
I/o set to 0-dB gain
Where is the output level of your preset on the VU meter? Try to target the line in the meter.
Well my speakers say they take balanced trs I’m not sure what I’m using from it to the axe or what the axe takes that’s why I’m asking I’m pretty sure like 90% sure I’m just using a standard guitar cable. I used it to play and connect pedals then used it to hook up speakers.

When you say out put level of preset on by meter that’s the lights that pop up right?

When I strum it’s one green dot. But if I do like manual says and turn up the I-o instrument in at like four which is lowest increment if I do anything more than a barely there strum it rattles my speakers. I know the vu is supposed to peak in nthe orange but that’s too much for even soft strums
So if I’m using a standard guitar cable it’s an unbalanced ts? Would that be why my sound acts weird like as described?
Well my speakers say they take balanced trs I’m not sure what I’m using from it to the axe or what the axe takes that’s why I’m asking I’m pretty sure like 90% sure I’m just using a standard guitar cable. I used it to play and connect pedals then used it to hook up speakers.

When you say out put level of preset on by meter that’s the lights that pop up right?

When I strum it’s one green dot. But if I do like manual says and turn up the I-o instrument in at like four which is lowest increment if I do anything more than a barely there strum it rattles my speakers. I know the vu is supposed to peak in nthe orange but that’s too much for even soft strums
If the speakers take XLR or TRS then that is what you should use.

There is a VU meter in the Axe Fx II. I'm not talking about the front panel LEDs.

Also, as someone asked already, where is the Output knob set on your Axe Fx (the one related to the Output jacks you are connecting to the speakers).

I assume that when you say "I-o instrument in" you mean "Instrument Level" in the Global I/O menu? Using the actual names of what you're talking about is really helpful. If that is what you are talking about, it has no bearing on the Output level as it's used only for optimizing the A/D converters.
Yes my bad io on the front the io button. The knob I wasn’t surewhat you ment I found it. It is about 2 o clock

Ok so first I’ll get a pair of trs balanced. It also accepts xlr but I don’t see a benefit over trs I’m not knowledgeable about this stuff. I’m guessing you will say that knob you mentioned needs to be fiddled with. It’s right next two the input knob jack on the front right?

Sorry haven’t had my axe but for a little while and English isn’t my native language
Ah ok I had forgotten that knob existed that makes me feel stupid but it worked. Still takes a hair of tweaking with the amp volumes but my speakers have greater range they don’t get very loud but I’m used to a 12 inch guitar cab so the max volume will be drastically different before buzzing

Thank you so much

Btw still curious about the ts vs trs vs xlr cables would there be any benefit in xlr over trs balanced and ill assume ts is worse than trs balanced trs since everyone says not to do what I’ve been doing I’m hoping it will be better fidelity.
Using an unbalanced guitar cable instead of a balanced TRS cable won’t cause bad things to happen. The Axe-Fx’s outputs are unbalanced anyway.

Glad you got your output level issue sorted out.
I feel like this was just glossed over, but definitely set your patch volume correctly using the VU Meter. It's in the UTILITY menu and then PAGE to the right a few to the VU tab. Start strumming (don't chug/palm mute) on the guitar and turn the Quick Access Knob A to adjust Amp 1 Level (QA Knob B for Amp 2 level). You want the meter to hover around the 0dB line. Personally, this is the first step I take whenever I've saved a new patch that I intend to actually use for recording or playing live.

Setting your amp level like this has a number of benefits:
  • Gives you 20dB of headroom to prevent digital clipping from bassy palm mutes
  • Sets a consistent level for all of your patches
  • Makes Output knobs work "predictably" so they're not too sensitive or too quiet
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