Gibson w/ built-in OD... <sigh>

...But why shoudn't they try to bring some new customers into their company? For everyone loving the old Les Paul models there are obviously enough around to buy, new or used...

IMO they're not going to bring in new customers by adding electronic gimmicks to their top of the line guitars. The type of customer who's likely to buy a guitar with built in distortion is looking for something in the multi-hundred dollar range, not the multi-thousand dollar range.
Yawn. Why does anyone give a single crap what Gibson does anymore? If you want the "Gibson" sound and feel there are plenty of companies that are still making reasonably priced and great sounding instruments that fit that bill. Suhr and TA come to mind immediately but there are also about 12 gazillion other makers that will make you an instrument that will crush anything coming out of Gibson today for less money.

The entire "Les Paul" line has pretty much become something that a retiring dentist buys to hang on their wall so they can jerk off to it while listening to their platinum plated "one night only - recorded in Japan!" Joe Bonamassa bootlegs. What you do in the privacy of your own studio is your own business right?

Just ignore them. They'll either go away or change their business model.

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