Get Yer 11.0 Beta Here!

Use at your own risk!!! Any presets created with V11 will not be compatible with prior versions. There are probably bugs. There are no release notes at this time.

Here's a preset that demonstrates the dynamic behavior:

Crank it up and play anything off the first four Van Halen albums. This patch sounds best loud!

Thanks for the new firmware and you're right, that patch sounds real good jacked up!
but the real difference I'm experiencing is the feel
it seems to have this lovely 'softness' to the touch..
almost like a gentle compression..
the guitar feels like it somehow is a little more alive in my hands...
jeez.. I don't think I can explain this well...

This :encouragement:

I've never owned a nice tube amp in my life (had a Selmer Treble & Bass or something for a while, but way before I knew anything about 'tone'), so am probably not the slightest bit qualified to comment on 'feel', but yes, I certainly relate to this too clarky

I noticed it as soon as I pulled up a preset... and my thoughts came well before reading your post too!
Let's say I want to purge the AXE-FX2 of all updates (or remove) and start from, safest, most idiot-proof way to do this?
Wise to uninstall Axe-Edit, Fractal-Bot1.2.4, and drivers. Then download all newest versions and start fresh?
Just got it 6 weeks ago and I'm not to attached to my patches.

just update the axe to 11. nothing needs to be purged from it. i would then just make presets from scratch - amp and cab only (maybe pick a 4x12 just to start somewhere), then just try different amps.

as for your computer, it won't really affect the axe too much, but don't use axe edit for now, and make sure you have the latest version of everything else.
my experience with Cliff and Fractal, i have no worries whatsoever upgrading with gigs upcoming this weekend. i cant wait to load it up tonight.

my only gripe is that i havent been on in a few days and am just now finding out about it, lol.

Just finding out about what? (I know this was just a joke but...) Cliff just released this bad boy less than 24 hours ago... but THIS is the reason why I check the forum everyday. It's waaaaay too addicting.
I've been playing with the beta v11 software this afternoon and my immediate impression is that it feels punchier then's very 'in your face' and feels great...
my axe died on me on tour in april. finished touring with a backline.

i am finally home now, got a new power supply and installed it last night. the axe works flawlessly.

used fractal bot to load up v10, worked great.

didnt actually play , had to go to bed.

came home today to try v10 for the first time and now 11 is up! I think im just going to skip v10 altogether lol.
just update the axe to 11. nothing needs to be purged from it. i would then just make presets from scratch - amp and cab only (maybe pick a 4x12 just to start somewhere), then just try different amps.

I didn't feel the need to start building presets from scratch...
mine just worked real sweet right away...

but now....
I seriously feel the need to swap out my Herbert ch2+ for the VH4 ch3..
time to hit the lab and conduct my evil experiments..
Okay, I'm another one of those who doesn't usually comment on firmware upgrades. I've had my Axe II since firmware 1.5 and have upgraded faithfully as each version has been released. I don't usually bother to compare the previous firmware with the current. I just upgrade and start from scratch. Sometimes I think it sounds better, sometimes just different. If I don't like the sound of the amp I was using anymore, I just go find another one or mess around with the cabs until I'm happy.

I haven't gone too deep into 11b yet, but I must say, I definitely had a smile on my face. I don't know what Cliff did, but this one really sounds nice.
After spending a few hours with the new firmware there are two conclusions to make for me:
1 - The highs are much better and more organic
2 - The lows or thump or whatever you call it IMHO sound a bit too much

I'm sure it can be dialed out, I just spent time with the models in their default settings.
It does feel nice to play, but sounds a bit exagerated comparing to the real thing.

Lows and thump apart the Friedman amps sound so good that makes me want to go out and buy one! But then I stop and think "why the hell would I do that" it sounds awesome in the box (AXE-FX II)

I guess maybe I should just take an empty head with knobs and everything and just stuff the AXE-FX inside just to try and make the brain to stop complaining that it cant sound that good without real tubes :)
Just finding out about what? (I know this was just a joke but...) Cliff just released this bad boy less than 24 hours ago... but THIS is the reason why I check the forum everyday. It's waaaaay too addicting.

exactly, lol. i usually check the forum numerous times a day. i havent checked in since friday. even though he just put it up it means i could have been trying it out since last night!!
What actually has me more impressed than the FW... well not quite... but the simple fact that this is not even 24 hrs. old and creeping up to 22,000 views. That's impressive!

Again... tip of the hat to you Cliff. Incredible update.
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