Gain Problems

Jonny Moonrock

New Member
Have read a lot about gain staging in the AX8 and have tried to follow much of the advice. I do have a problem in that in the majority of cases, when playing live (in a rock band) I have to crank the volume up to get a 'present' sound. This makes stage problem a little louder than necessary. However if I roll back on the volume, the sound becomes much more compressed and fizzy.

There doesn't seem to be a 'Goldilocks' zone.

Any tips from veteran users?
Thanks for the reply Leon,
I go straight into the mixer with gain trimmed just around 0db. If I reduce fader levels, it gets compressed quickly. Same happens if I lower output levels on each patch, or the global output controls on the unit. Guitar volume works ok, but in order to get stage volume down to acceptable levels, I'm at the lower end of the pot's sweep.
Different gain settings per patch don't seem to help the situation. Could be a perception thing I suppose
Thanks for taking the time to reply - and yes I have tried boosting mids. Trouble is, even if it is F-M it's affecting not just stage but FoH too. I know the AX8 is a different paradigm from a valve amp, but the control options for volume don't appear to be as varied as they are with my Badger and a 2x12.
I guess i posted was hoping that there was something I was doing wrong as a newbie.
Does this happen with clean and dirty presets? Can you post one (or two) that present this problem in an obvious way to you? This kind of issue can be subjective, so a preset for others to try might home in on it quickly.
I run my AX8 through a variety of systems. Usually setting the output 1 level at 10 o'clock gives me a good signal with plenty of headroom. Channel strip is adjusted for input trim as needed.
I always run mine straight in to FOH and my vol normally sits around 1:00 to 2:00 for the engineer to be happy with my level. My lead tone is set at 0db using the inbuilt metering in the AX8 and my rhythm is set at about -3 db. I run out2 to an ASM12 cab for my own monitor and can control my stage volume like that.
Once the presets are adjusted @ 0 dB using the VU meter I have not found any magic setting that makes them sound any better or more present.

I've grown accustomed to certain terminology so please forgive me but I haven't been able to determine exactly what you mean by some of the things you've said. Please understand that I'm not trying to be a tool or insult you in any way but I am hoping to get some clarification and gain an understanding of what you mean by the following:
roll back on the volume
Which volume control?
I go straight into the mixer with gain trimmed just around 0db.
Which gain control are you referring to?
if I lower output levels
Is this referring to either the Level knob on the AX8 or Level parameter in the Amp block's Mixer section of AX8-Edit?
global output controls
I'm presuming the OUT 1 (MAIN) knob on the AX8, correct?
Different gain settings per patch
Which gain control(s) are you using?

A couple more questions about levels and your setup:

1. Are the presets adjusted to 0 dB using the VU Meter in the AX8 and what is the Level of the presets? The Level I'm asking about is in the Amp block's Mixer section in lower right in AX8-Edit or slightly turn the Level knob on the AX8 and see the Level setting.

2. Is the AX8 plugged into a Line Level input/channel on the mixer? Should be Line Level, the Mic level will be significantly louder.

3. What position is the OUT 1 (MAIN) knob on the AX8?
Hi Folks,
I appreciate the time and consideration from everyone trying to assist. I have rebuilt my patches using the advice on levelling on the AustinBuddy site ( I have some of his patches too).

I think that I'm just not handling the whole concept very well, and my guitar players desire to be loud and in your face is getting in the way. I have also been taking a feed from the main desk to my monitor (which also includes a vocal component), but I now plan to go straight into te monitor (a Yamaha DXR) and use output 2 to go to the desk.

Thanks again for all your help. Will post my results next week :)
The Yamaha DXR (10?) rocks. I also followed AustinBuddy's video on setting levels for the AX8, although I am still tweeking them a little. If you've followed the recommendations the DXR should sound fantastic. A couple of things with my DXR10 I have found so far - if I have mine on a stand behind me I have the roll-off set to 100Hz and the D Contour either set for FOH or OFF. Note also that, for the purposes of writing presets, the output of the DXRs should be around 92 dB. I get that sort of output with one DXR10 set at -3dB. While Austin suggests that the AX8's Main Out 1 control (NOT the amp block level) on the AX8 itself should be set to maximum (because on the AX8 this represents unity gain), I prefer to run mine at around 2 o'clock so that if I quickly need more level on stage I can just turn that control up without having to go to the DXR. So far I have not gone to FOH - I've just used my DXR(s) as my own personal FOH for my guitar (and keyboard).

Let us know how you go!
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