FX8 Preset Mode Question/Wish

It would be great to have a "Global" preset. When you are locked into preset mode have the ability to activate the global preset on any preset switch should by pressing it a 2nd time.

Can anyone verify that it will or can have this ability?
No, I'm talking about when you have it in "sticky" preset mode where each footswitch remains to select a different preset without reverting to the Scene mode.
What I'm ultimately trying to say is I'd like to run the FX8 in "sticky" preset mode, have my global preset be just my raw distorted tone from my amp no fx, when I press a preset footswitch the first time it goes to that preset with whatever fx are saved to that preset, press the same preset footswitch a second time and go back to my global raw amp tone. Have this work the same for any of the preset footswitches.

There's lots of midi controllers out there that allow you to do this. Was wondering if it would be possible on the FX8. It not, I'd love to see it on a future firmware update. It'd be even cooler if you had the option with scenes too, have a global scene.
If all you're looking for is an easy-access "preset" that has no FX, I think you'd be able to use the True Bypass feature. According to pictures of the panel, you'd just press and hold the middle button on the far right.
Thanks for the reply, but that's not exactly what I'm looking for. I need instant switching without pressing and holding and it's nice to be able to step on a footswitch to access your fx preset, then press the same switch to go back to your global preset. You don't have to move your foot. Especially when you're doing quick switching back and forth.
Again, this can be done with Scenes. Scenes enable you to save the ON/OFF state of your FX blocks and you have 8 of them which opens up lots of possibilities. At least that's how I understand it, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
+1 . This wish makes total sense to me. If i were interested in fx8 i would expect this functionality.

There could be a global option to enable true bypass on preset switches.
Yes, this is what Scenes are, from what I understand. Press One footswitch to turn everything off so all you're left with is your unaltered guitar sound. (Or you can set them up to only turn SOME offects on/off.) You can set it up for each preset. One button on, same button off. Your "Global Preset" just sounds like you want all the effects turned off. As stated before by Jose7882, this is done with scenes.
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