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FW17.04 x/y settings not saved for controllers in wah block [NOT A BUG]


I have a Credence Clearwater Revival patch set up with multiple scenes, where external controller 2 is used differently in different scenes. In one scene, I use a pedal to control the mix of a volume tremolo for the Born on the Bayou type of sound, to ease it in and out between clear chords. In another scene, I use the same pedal for wah without engaging the volume tremolo at all.

I want to have wah totally disabled/disconnected from external controller2 in some scenes, and have it default to bypass but be activated by external controller 2 in other scenes. I thought this would be a simple matter of changing the external controller settings between the X and Y versions of the wah block, but it seems those settings are not independent between the X and Y blocks.

I stuck a mixer in front of the block to choose between the wah or a shunt, and it does what I want now.

But it seems that external controllers should be part of the data associated with the X/Y state of the block. Thanks!
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Controllers are shared between X and Y. Not a bug.

Hmm, don't want to appear trying, but I've been mentioning that issue for months. Shared controllers practically render x/y states useless. Shame.

Maybe it will be remedied one day (soon ;-))?
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