FW15 Flanger and Chorus

Yes. That is excellent. Much closer to what I'm trying to accomplish. I think it has something to do with the amp/cab blocks.

There are just times when I wish the effect came through more clearly.
The Vibe is just fine on the AFX. I have owned every clone made - it's an important sound to me - and was assuming I'd have to keep one when I got the AFX. Not so, the vibe can be made to match absolutely the best out there.

The Rotary on the other hand………...
Then there is some setting on my Axe or in my patches preventing me from obtaining the sounds I should be able to obtain.
Here, I can hear more of the effect than I what I can typically dial in on the Axe FX:

And of course (although it doesn't seem to compare quite to the Dry Bell, and I can get somewhat close to this on the Axe, but can't get the effect to be quite as prominent):

I used an Effectrode Tube Vibe for a long time that was just marvelous.
Here, I can hear more of the effect than I what I can typically dial in on the Axe FX:
I used an Effectrode Tube Vibe for a long time that was just marvelous.

Most of those sound like phasers to me, in which case, getting that with a vibe chorus would be considerably difficult.
Okay, so... after messing around with effects and going nuts with parameters (not going to break anything, right?! lol) I was able dial in a lot of really cool sounds with the flanger. Got the vibe to sound good too.

What I have learned (and I've said it before) is that the effects seem to be largely amp-dependent. I would say that does happen with real amps too, to an extent.

Understand, my posts about all this are not so much bitching (in case anyone thinks that), just part of the learning curve.
Okay, so... after messing around with effects and going nuts with parameters (not going to break anything, right?! lol) I was able dial in a lot of really cool sounds with the flanger. Got the vibe to sound good too.

What I have learned (and I've said it before) is that the effects seem to be largely amp-dependent. I would say that does happen with real amps too, to an extent.

Understand, my posts about all this are not so much bitching (in case anyone thinks that), just part of the learning curve.

Could you post a preset or give some details about your Univibe settings?
Well, it was late at night, and I've been burning the candle at both ends lately (selling our house and planning to relocate). I'll see what I can remember if I get a chance to play today.

I find it difficult to get a good, solid vibe tone, even though I'm beginning to figure something out. Still struggle with the flanger, and even the phaser at times, but sometimes, I can get things to sound really good.

It is largely dependent on the amp and I believe the cab (IR) too.
position in the chain makes a big difference too. A univibe sounds very different in front of an amp as opposed to in the loop or post processed. Play with the mix some too. Setting the mix slightly above 50% will give you more warble and less swirl since the pitch bent wet signal is a little louder than the dry. Bulb bias makes a huge difference in the flavor of the swirl and how lumpy the LFO sweep is too.
Originally Posted by VegaBaby

I just tried your excellent Electric Mistress Matrix block, which used to sound (almost) spot on to my real '79 Mistress... it's very different now. seems to have lost that metallic resonance.
some of my Flanger sounds seem to be less affected, but also your CE-1 emulations don't really do it for me any longer. not sure what's changed in the Flanger block and if it's any more useable than before...

Hmmm thats not good, I'll have to check out what happened there. It is probably feedback related.

Set phase reverse to both, for whatever reason that strengthens the effect.
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